Source code for snakemake.benchmark

__author__ = "Manuel Holtgrewe"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Manuel Holtgrewe"
__email__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT"

import contextlib
import datetime
from itertools import chain
import os
import sys
import time
import threading

from snakemake.exceptions import WorkflowError

#: Interval (in seconds) between measuring resource usage
#: Interval (in seconds) between measuring resource usage before

[docs]class BenchmarkRecord: """Record type for benchmark times"""
[docs] @classmethod def get_header(klass): return "\t".join( ( "s", "h:m:s", "max_rss", "max_vms", "max_uss", "max_pss", "io_in", "io_out", "mean_load", "cpu_time", ) )
def __init__( self, running_time=None, max_rss=None, max_vms=None, max_uss=None, max_pss=None, io_in=None, io_out=None, cpu_usages=None, cpu_time=None, ): #: Running time in seconds self.running_time = running_time #: Maximal RSS in MB self.max_rss = max_rss #: Maximal VMS in MB self.max_vms = max_vms #: Maximal USS in MB self.max_uss = max_uss #: Maximal PSS in MB self.max_pss = max_pss #: I/O read in bytes self.io_in = io_in #: I/O written in bytes self.io_out = io_out #: Count of CPU seconds, divide by running time to get mean load estimate self.cpu_usages = cpu_usages or 0 #: CPU usage (user and system) in seconds self.cpu_time = cpu_time or 0 #: First time when we measured CPU load, for estimating total running time self.first_time = None #: Previous point when measured CPU load, for estimating total running time self.prev_time = None
[docs] def to_tsv(self): """Return ``str`` with the TSV representation of this record""" def to_tsv_str(x): """Conversion of value to str for TSV (None becomes "-")""" if x is None: return "-" elif isinstance(x, float): return "{:.2f}".format(x) else: return str(x) def timedelta_to_str(x): """Conversion of timedelta to str without fractions of seconds""" mm, ss = divmod(x.seconds, 60) hh, mm = divmod(mm, 60) s = "%d:%02d:%02d" % (hh, mm, ss) if x.days: def plural(n): return n, abs(n) != 1 and "s" or "" s = ("%d day%s, " % plural(x.days)) + s return s return "\t".join( map( to_tsv_str, ( "{:.4f}".format(self.running_time), timedelta_to_str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.running_time)), self.max_rss, self.max_vms, self.max_uss, self.max_pss, self.io_in, self.io_out, self.cpu_usages / self.running_time, self.cpu_time, ), ) )
[docs]class DaemonTimer(threading.Thread): """A variant of threading.The timer that is daemonized""" def __init__(self, interval, function, args=None, kwargs=None): threading.Thread.__init__(self, daemon=True) self.interval = interval self.function = function self.args = args if args is not None else [] self.kwargs = kwargs if kwargs is not None else {} self.finished = threading.Event()
[docs] def cancel(self): """Stop the timer if it hasn't finished yet.""" self.finished.set()
[docs] def run(self): self.finished.wait(self.interval) if not self.finished.is_set(): self.function(*self.args, **self.kwargs) self.finished.set()
[docs]class ScheduledPeriodicTimer: """Scheduling of periodic events Up to self._interval, schedule actions per second, above schedule events in self._interval second gaps. """ def __init__(self, interval): self._times_called = 0 self._interval = interval self._timer = None self._stopped = True
[docs] def start(self): """Start the intervalic timer""" self._times_called += 1 self._stopped = False if self._times_called > self._interval: self._timer = DaemonTimer(self._interval, self._action) else: self._timer = DaemonTimer(BENCHMARK_INTERVAL_SHORT, self._action) self._timer.start()
def _action(self): """Internally, called by timer""" self._times_called += 1 if self._times_called > self._interval: self._timer = DaemonTimer(self._interval, self._action) else: self._timer = DaemonTimer(BENCHMARK_INTERVAL_SHORT, self._action) self._timer.start()
[docs] def work(self): """Override to perform the action""" raise NotImplementedError("Override me!")
[docs] def cancel(self): """Call to cancel any events""" self._timer.cancel() self._stopped = True
[docs]class BenchmarkTimer(ScheduledPeriodicTimer): """Allows easy observation of a given PID for resource usage""" def __init__(self, pid, bench_record, interval=BENCHMARK_INTERVAL): import psutil ScheduledPeriodicTimer.__init__(self, interval) #: PID of observed process = pid self.main = psutil.Process( #: ``BenchmarkRecord`` to write results to self.bench_record = bench_record #: Cache of processes to keep track of cpu percent self.procs = {}
[docs] def work(self): """Write statistics""" import psutil try: self._update_record() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass # skip, process died in flight except AttributeError: pass # skip, process died in flight
def _update_record(self): """Perform the actual measurement""" import psutil # Memory measurements rss, vms, uss, pss = 0, 0, 0, 0 # I/O measurements io_in, io_out = 0, 0 check_io = True # CPU seconds cpu_usages = 0 # CPU usage time cpu_time = 0 # Iterate over process and all children try: this_time = time.time() for proc in chain((self.main,), self.main.children(recursive=True)): proc = self.procs.setdefault(, proc) with proc.oneshot(): if self.bench_record.prev_time: cpu_usages += proc.cpu_percent() * ( this_time - self.bench_record.prev_time ) meminfo = proc.memory_full_info() rss += meminfo.rss vms += meminfo.vms uss += meminfo.uss pss += meminfo.pss if check_io: try: ioinfo = proc.io_counters() io_in += ioinfo.read_bytes io_out += ioinfo.write_bytes except NotImplementedError as nie: # OS doesn't track IO check_io = False cpu_times = proc.cpu_times() cpu_time += cpu_times.user + cpu_times.system self.bench_record.prev_time = this_time if not self.bench_record.first_time: self.bench_record.prev_time = this_time rss /= 1024 * 1024 vms /= 1024 * 1024 uss /= 1024 * 1024 pss /= 1024 * 1024 if check_io: io_in /= 1024 * 1024 io_out /= 1024 * 1024 else: io_in = None io_out = None except psutil.Error as e: return # Update benchmark record's RSS and VMS self.bench_record.max_rss = max(self.bench_record.max_rss or 0, rss) self.bench_record.max_vms = max(self.bench_record.max_vms or 0, vms) self.bench_record.max_uss = max(self.bench_record.max_uss or 0, uss) self.bench_record.max_pss = max(self.bench_record.max_pss or 0, pss) self.bench_record.io_in = io_in self.bench_record.io_out = io_out self.bench_record.cpu_usages += cpu_usages self.bench_record.cpu_time = cpu_time
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def benchmarked(pid=None, benchmark_record=None, interval=BENCHMARK_INTERVAL): """Measure benchmark parameters while within the context manager Yields a ``BenchmarkRecord`` with the results (values are set after leaving context). If ``pid`` is ``None`` then the PID of the current process will be used. If ``benchmark_record`` is ``None`` then a new ``BenchmarkRecord`` is created and returned, otherwise, the object passed as this parameter is returned. Usage:: with benchmarked() as bench_result: pass """ result = benchmark_record or BenchmarkRecord() if pid is False: yield result else: start_time = time.time() bench_thread = BenchmarkTimer(int(pid or os.getpid()), result, interval) bench_thread.start() yield result bench_thread.cancel() result.running_time = time.time() - start_time
[docs]def write_benchmark_records(records, path): """Write benchmark records to file at path""" with open(path, "wt") as f: print_benchmark_records(records, f)