__author__ = "Johannes Köster"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Johannes Köster"
__email__ = "johannes.koester@uni-due.de"
__license__ = "MIT"
import collections
import os
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
import re
import stat
import time
import datetime
import json
import copy
import functools
import subprocess as sp
from itertools import product, chain
from contextlib import contextmanager
import string
import collections
import asyncio
from snakemake.exceptions import (
from snakemake.logging import logger
from inspect import isfunction, ismethod
from snakemake.common import DYNAMIC_FILL, ON_WINDOWS, async_run
[docs]class Mtime:
__slots__ = ["_local", "_local_target", "_remote"]
def __init__(self, local=None, local_target=None, remote=None):
self._local = local
self._local_target = local_target
self._remote = remote
[docs] def local_or_remote(self, follow_symlinks=False):
if self._remote is not None:
return self._remote
if follow_symlinks and self._local_target is not None:
return self._local_target
return self._local
[docs] def remote(
return self._remote
[docs] def local(self, follow_symlinks=False):
if follow_symlinks and self._local_target is not None:
return self._local_target
return self._local
[docs]def lutime(f, times):
# In some cases, we have a platform where os.supports_follow_symlink includes stat()
# but not utime(). This leads to an anomaly. In any case we never want to touch the
# target of a link.
if os.utime in os.supports_follow_symlinks:
# ...utime is well behaved
os.utime(f, times, follow_symlinks=False)
elif not os.path.islink(f):
# ...symlinks not an issue here
os.utime(f, times)
# try the system command
if times:
fmt_time = lambda sec: datetime.fromtimestamp(sec).strftime(
atime, mtime = times
sp.check_call(["touch", "-h", f, "-a", "-t", fmt_time(atime)])
sp.check_call(["touch", "-h", f, "-m", "-t", fmt_time(mtime)])
sp.check_call(["touch", "-h", f])
except sp.CalledProcessError:
# ...problem system. Do nothing.
"Unable to set utime on symlink {}. Your Python build does not support it.".format(
return None
if os.chmod in os.supports_follow_symlinks:
def lchmod(f, mode):
os.chmod(f, mode, follow_symlinks=False)
[docs] def lchmod(f, mode):
os.chmod(f, mode)
[docs]class ExistsDict(dict):
def __init__(self, cache):
self.cache = cache
self.has_inventory = set()
def __getitem__(self, path):
# Always return False if not in dict.
# The reason is that this is only called if the method contains below has returned True.
# Hence, we already know that either path is in dict, or inventory has never
# seen it, and hence it does not exist.
return self.get(path, False)
def __contains__(self, path):
# if already in inventory, always return True.
parent = path.get_inventory_parent()
return parent in self.has_inventory or super().__contains__(path)
[docs]class IOCache:
def __init__(self, max_wait_time):
self.mtime = dict()
self.exists_local = ExistsDict(self)
self.exists_remote = ExistsDict(self)
self.size = dict()
self.active = True
self.remaining_wait_time = max_wait_time
self.max_wait_time = max_wait_time
[docs] def mtime_inventory(self, jobs):
async def _mtime_inventory(self, jobs, n_workers=8):
queue = asyncio.Queue()
stop_item = object()
async def worker(queue):
while True:
item = await queue.get()
if item is stop_item:
self.mtime[item] = await self.collect_mtime(item)
except Exception as e:
raise e
tasks = [
for _ in range(n_workers)
for job in jobs:
for f in chain(job.input, job.expanded_output):
if f.exists:
if job.benchmark and job.benchmark.exists:
# Send a stop item to each worker.
for _ in range(n_workers):
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
[docs] async def collect_mtime(self, path):
return path.mtime_uncached
[docs] def clear(self):
self.remaining_wait_time = self.max_wait_time
[docs] def deactivate(self):
self.active = False
[docs]def IOFile(file, rule=None):
assert rule is not None
f = _IOFile(file)
f.rule = rule
return f
class _IOFile(str):
A file that is either input or output of a rule.
__slots__ = [
def __new__(cls, file):
is_annotated = isinstance(file, AnnotatedString)
is_callable = (
isfunction(file) or ismethod(file) or (is_annotated and bool(file.callable))
if not is_callable and file.endswith("/"):
# remove trailing slashes
stripped = file.rstrip("/")
if is_annotated:
stripped = AnnotatedString(stripped)
stripped.flags = file.flags
file = stripped
obj = str.__new__(cls, file)
obj._is_function = is_callable
obj._file = file
obj.rule = None
obj._regex = None
if obj.is_remote:
obj.remote_object._iofile = obj
return obj
def new_from(self, new_value):
new = str.__new__(self.__class__, new_value)
new._is_function = self._is_function
new._file = self._file
new.rule = self.rule
if new.is_remote:
new.remote_object._iofile = new
return new
def iocache(func):
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.rule.workflow.iocache.active:
cache = getattr(self.rule.workflow.iocache, func.__name__)
if self in cache:
return cache[self]
v = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
cache[self] = v
return v
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def _refer_to_remote(func):
A decorator so that if the file is remote and has a version
of the same file-related function, call that version instead.
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.is_remote:
if hasattr(self.remote_object, func.__name__):
return getattr(self.remote_object, func.__name__)(*args, **kwargs)
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def inventory(self):
async def _inventory(self):
"""Starting from the given file, try to cache as much existence and
modification date information of this and other files as possible.
cache = self.rule.workflow.iocache
if cache.active:
tasks = []
if self.is_remote and self not in cache.exists_remote:
# info not yet in inventory, let's discover as much as we can
if not ON_WINDOWS and self not in cache.exists_local:
# we don't want to mess with different path representations on windows
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
async def _local_inventory(self, cache):
# for local files, perform BFS via os.scandir to determine existence of files
if cache.remaining_wait_time <= 0:
# No more time to create inventory.
start_time = time.time()
folders = self.split("/")[:-1]
if not folders:
if os.path.isabs(self):
# For absolute paths, only use scan the immediate parent
ancestors = [os.path.dirname(self)]
ancestors = ["/".join(folders[:i]) for i in range(1, len(folders) + 1)]
for (i, path) in enumerate(ancestors):
if path in cache.exists_local.has_inventory:
# This path was already scanned before, hence we can stop.
with os.scandir(path) as scan:
for entry in scan:
cache.exists_local[entry.path] = True
cache.exists_local[path] = True
except FileNotFoundError:
# Not found, hence, all subfolders cannot be present as well
for path in ancestors[i:]:
cache.exists_local[path] = False
except PermissionError:
raise WorkflowError(
"Insufficient permissions to access {}. "
"Please make sure that all accessed files and directories "
"are readable and writable for you.".format(self)
cache.remaining_wait_time -= time.time() - start_time
def get_inventory_parent(self):
"""If eligible for inventory, get the parent of a given path.
This code does not work on local Windows paths,
but inventory is disabled on Windows.
parent = os.path.dirname(self)
if parent and parent != "..":
return parent
def open(self, mode="r", buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None):
"""Open this file. If necessary, download it from remote first.
This can (and should) be used in a `with`-statement.
if not self.exists:
raise WorkflowError(
"File {} cannot be opened, since it does not exist.".format(self)
if not self.exists_local and self.is_remote:
f = open(self)
yield f
def contains_wildcard(self):
return contains_wildcard(self.file)
def is_remote(self):
return is_flagged(self._file, "remote_object")
def is_ancient(self):
return is_flagged(self._file, "ancient")
def is_directory(self):
return is_flagged(self._file, "directory")
def is_temp(self):
return is_flagged(self._file, "temp")
def is_multiext(self):
return is_flagged(self._file, "multiext")
def multiext_prefix(self):
return get_flag_value(self._file, "multiext")
def update_remote_filepath(self):
# if the file string is different in the iofile, update the remote object
# (as in the case of wildcard expansion)
remote_object = self.remote_object
if remote_object._file != self._file:
remote_object._iofile = self
def should_keep_local(self):
return self.remote_object.keep_local
def should_stay_on_remote(self):
return self.remote_object.stay_on_remote
def remote_object(self):
return get_flag_value(self._file, "remote_object")
def file(self):
if not self._is_function:
return self._file
raise ValueError(
"This IOFile is specified as a function and "
"may not be used directly."
def check(self):
hint = (
"It can also lead to inconsistent results of the file-matching "
"approach used by Snakemake."
if self._file.startswith("./"):
"Relative file path '{}' starts with './'. This is redundant "
"and strongly discouraged. {} You can simply omit the './' "
"for relative file paths.".format(self._file, hint)
if self._file.startswith(" "):
"File path '{}' starts with whitespace. "
"This is likely unintended. {}".format(self._file, hint)
if self._file.endswith(" "):
"File path '{}' ends with whitespace. "
"This is likely unintended. {}".format(self._file, hint)
if "\n" in self._file:
"File path '{}' contains line break. "
"This is likely unintended. {}".format(self._file, hint)
if _double_slash_regex.search(self._file) is not None and not self.is_remote:
"File path {} contains double '{}'. "
"This is likely unintended. {}".format(self._file, os.path.sep, hint)
def exists(self):
if self.is_remote:
return self.exists_remote
return self.exists_local
def parents(self, omit=0):
"""Yield all parent paths, omitting the given number of ancestors."""
for p in list(Path(self.file).parents)[::-1][omit:]:
p = IOFile(str(p), rule=self.rule)
yield p
def exists_local(self):
return os.path.exists(self.file)
def exists_remote(self):
if not self.is_remote:
return False
return self.remote_object.exists()
def protected(self):
"""Returns True if the file is protected. Always False for symlinks."""
# symlinks are never regarded as protected
return (
and not os.access(self.file, os.W_OK)
and not os.path.islink(self.file)
def mtime(self):
return self.mtime_uncached
def mtime_uncached(self):
"""Obtain mtime.
Usually, this will be one stat call only. For symlinks and directories
it will be two, for symlinked directories it will be three,
for remote files it will additionally query the remote
mtime_remote = self.remote_object.mtime() if self.is_remote else None
# We first do a normal stat.
_stat = os.stat(self.file, follow_symlinks=False)
is_symlink = stat.S_ISLNK(_stat.st_mode)
is_dir = stat.S_ISDIR(_stat.st_mode)
mtime = _stat.st_mtime
def get_dir_mtime():
# Try whether we have a timestamp file for it.
return os.stat(
os.path.join(self.file, ".snakemake_timestamp"),
if not is_symlink:
if is_dir:
mtime = get_dir_mtime()
except FileNotFoundError:
# No timestamp, hence go on as if it is a file.
# In the usual case, not a dir, not a symlink.
# We need just a single stat call.
return Mtime(local=mtime, remote=mtime_remote)
# In case of a symlink, we need the stats for the target file/dir.
target_stat = os.stat(self.file, follow_symlinks=True)
# Further, we need to check again if this is a directory.
is_dir = stat.S_ISDIR(target_stat.st_mode)
mtime_target = target_stat.st_mtime
if is_dir:
mtime_target = get_dir_mtime()
except FileNotFoundError:
# No timestamp, hence go on as if it is a file.
return Mtime(
local=mtime, local_target=mtime_target, remote=mtime_remote
except FileNotFoundError:
if self.is_remote:
return Mtime(remote=mtime_remote)
raise WorkflowError(
"Unable to obtain modification time of file {} although it existed before. "
"It could be that a concurrent process has deleted it while Snakemake "
"was running.".format(self.file)
except PermissionError:
raise WorkflowError(
"Unable to obtain modification time of file {} because of missing "
"read permissions.".format(self.file)
def flags(self):
return getattr(self._file, "flags", {})
def size(self):
return self.size_local
def size_local(self):
# follow symlinks but throw error if invalid
return os.path.getsize(self.file)
def check_broken_symlink(self):
"""Raise WorkflowError if file is a broken symlink."""
if not self.exists_local and os.lstat(self.file):
raise WorkflowError(
"File {} seems to be a broken symlink.".format(self.file)
def is_newer(self, time):
"""Returns true of the file (which is an input file) is newer than time, or if it is
a symlink that points to a file newer than time."""
if self.is_ancient:
return False
return self.mtime.local_or_remote(follow_symlinks=True) > time
def download_from_remote(self):
if self.is_remote and self.remote_object.exists():
if not self.should_stay_on_remote:
logger.info("Downloading from remote: {}".format(self.file))
logger.info("Finished download.")
raise RemoteFileException(
"The file to be downloaded does not seem to exist remotely."
def upload_to_remote(self):
if self.is_remote:
logger.info("Uploading to remote: {}".format(self.file))
logger.info("Finished upload.")
def prepare(self):
path_until_wildcard = re.split(DYNAMIC_FILL, self.file)[0]
dir = os.path.dirname(path_until_wildcard)
if len(dir) > 0:
os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True)
except OSError as e:
# ignore Errno 17 "File exists" (reason: multiprocessing)
if e.errno != 17:
raise e
if is_flagged(self._file, "pipe"):
def protect(self):
mode = (
os.lstat(self.file).st_mode & ~stat.S_IWUSR & ~stat.S_IWGRP & ~stat.S_IWOTH
if os.path.isdir(self.file):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.file):
for d in dirs:
lchmod(os.path.join(self.file, d), mode)
for f in files:
lchmod(os.path.join(self.file, f), mode)
lchmod(self.file, mode)
def remove(self, remove_non_empty_dir=False):
if self.is_directory:
remove(self, remove_non_empty_dir=True)
remove(self, remove_non_empty_dir=remove_non_empty_dir)
def touch(self, times=None):
"""times must be 2-tuple: (atime, mtime)"""
if self.is_directory:
file = os.path.join(self.file, ".snakemake_timestamp")
# Create the flag file if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(file):
with open(file, "w"):
lutime(file, times)
lutime(self.file, times)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == 2:
raise MissingOutputException(
"Output file {} of rule {} shall be touched but "
"does not exist.".format(self.file, self.rule.name),
raise e
def touch_or_create(self):
except MissingOutputException:
# first create directory if it does not yet exist
dir = self.file if self.is_directory else os.path.dirname(self.file)
if dir:
os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True)
# create empty file
file = (
os.path.join(self.file, ".snakemake_timestamp")
if self.is_directory
else self.file
with open(file, "w") as f:
def apply_wildcards(self, wildcards, fill_missing=False, fail_dynamic=False):
f = self._file
if self._is_function:
f = self._file(Namedlist(fromdict=wildcards))
# this bit ensures flags are transferred over to files after
# wildcards are applied
file_with_wildcards_applied = IOFile(
return file_with_wildcards_applied
def get_wildcard_names(self):
return get_wildcard_names(self.file)
def regex(self):
if self._regex is None:
# compile a regular expression
self._regex = re.compile(regex(self.file))
return self._regex
def constant_prefix(self):
first_wildcard = _wildcard_regex.search(self.file)
if first_wildcard:
return self.file[: first_wildcard.start()]
return self.file
def constant_suffix(self):
m = None
for m in _wildcard_regex.finditer(self.file):
last_wildcard = m
if last_wildcard:
return self.file[last_wildcard.end() :]
return self.file
def match(self, target):
return self.regex().match(target) or None
def format_dynamic(self):
return self.replace(DYNAMIC_FILL, "{*}")
def clone_flags(self, other):
if isinstance(self._file, str):
self._file = AnnotatedString(self._file)
if isinstance(other._file, AnnotatedString):
self._file.flags = getattr(other._file, "flags", {}).copy()
if "remote_object" in self._file.flags:
self._file.flags["remote_object"] = copy.copy(
def clone_remote_object(self, other):
if (
isinstance(other._file, AnnotatedString)
and "remote_object" in other._file.flags
self._file.flags["remote_object"] = copy.copy(
def set_flags(self, flags):
if isinstance(self._file, str):
self._file = AnnotatedString(self._file)
self._file.flags = flags
def __eq__(self, other):
f = other._file if isinstance(other, _IOFile) else other
return self._file == f
def __hash__(self):
return self._file.__hash__()
_double_slash_regex = (
re.compile(r"([^:]//|^//)") if os.path.sep == "/" else re.compile(r"\\\\")
_wildcard_regex = re.compile(
(?=( # This lookahead assertion emulates an 'atomic group'
# which is required for performance
\s*(?P<name>\w+) # wildcard name
(?P<constraint> # an optional constraint
([^{}]+ | \{\d+(,\d+)?\})* # allow curly braces to nest one level
) # ... as in '{w,a{3,5}}'
[docs]def wait_for_files(
files, latency_wait=3, force_stay_on_remote=False, ignore_pipe=False
"""Wait for given files to be present in the filesystem."""
files = list(files)
def get_missing():
return [
for f in files
if not (
if (
isinstance(f, _IOFile)
and f.is_remote
and (force_stay_on_remote or f.should_stay_on_remote)
else os.path.exists(f)
if not (is_flagged(f, "pipe") and ignore_pipe)
else True
missing = get_missing()
if missing:
"Waiting at most {} seconds for missing files.".format(latency_wait)
for _ in range(latency_wait):
if not get_missing():
raise IOError(
"Missing files after {} seconds:\n{}".format(
latency_wait, "\n".join(get_missing())
[docs]def get_wildcard_names(pattern):
return set(match.group("name") for match in _wildcard_regex.finditer(pattern))
[docs]def contains_wildcard(path):
return _wildcard_regex.search(path) is not None
[docs]def contains_wildcard_constraints(pattern):
return any(match.group("constraint") for match in _wildcard_regex.finditer(pattern))
[docs]def remove(file, remove_non_empty_dir=False):
if file.is_remote and file.should_stay_on_remote:
if file.exists_remote:
elif os.path.isdir(file) and not os.path.islink(file):
if remove_non_empty_dir:
except OSError as e:
# skip non empty directories
if e.errno == 39:
"Skipped removing non-empty directory {}".format(e.filename)
# Remember that dangling symlinks fail the os.path.exists() test, but
# we definitely still want to zap them. try/except is the safest way.
# Also, we don't want to remove the null device if it is an output.
elif os.devnull != str(file):
except FileNotFoundError:
[docs]def regex(filepattern):
f = []
last = 0
wildcards = set()
for match in _wildcard_regex.finditer(filepattern):
f.append(re.escape(filepattern[last : match.start()]))
wildcard = match.group("name")
if wildcard in wildcards:
if match.group("constraint"):
raise ValueError(
"Constraint regex must be defined only in the first "
"occurence of the wildcard in a string."
match.group("constraint") if match.group("constraint") else ".+",
last = match.end()
f.append("$") # ensure that the match spans the whole file
return "".join(f)
[docs]def apply_wildcards(
def format_match(match):
name = match.group("name")
value = wildcards[name]
if fail_dynamic and value == dynamic_fill:
raise WildcardError(name)
return str(value) # convert anything into a str
except KeyError as ex:
if keep_dynamic:
return "{{{}}}".format(name)
elif fill_missing:
return dynamic_fill
raise WildcardError(str(ex))
return _wildcard_regex.sub(format_match, pattern)
[docs]def not_iterable(value):
return (
isinstance(value, str)
or isinstance(value, dict)
or not isinstance(value, collections.abc.Iterable)
[docs]def is_callable(value):
return (
or (isinstance(value, _IOFile) and value._is_function)
or (isinstance(value, AnnotatedString) and value.callable is not None)
[docs]class AnnotatedString(str):
def __init__(self, value):
self.flags = dict()
self.callable = value if is_callable(value) else None
[docs] def new_from(self, new_value):
new = str.__new__(self.__class__, new_value)
new.flags = self.flags
new.callable = self.callable
return new
[docs]def flag(value, flag_type, flag_value=True):
if isinstance(value, AnnotatedString):
value.flags[flag_type] = flag_value
return value
if not_iterable(value):
value = AnnotatedString(value)
value.flags[flag_type] = flag_value
return value
return [flag(v, flag_type, flag_value=flag_value) for v in value]
[docs]def is_flagged(value, flag):
if isinstance(value, AnnotatedString):
return flag in value.flags and value.flags[flag]
if isinstance(value, _IOFile):
return flag in value.flags and value.flags[flag]
return False
[docs]def get_flag_value(value, flag_type):
if isinstance(value, AnnotatedString) or isinstance(value, _IOFile):
if flag_type in value.flags:
return value.flags[flag_type]
return None
[docs]def ancient(value):
A flag for an input file that shall be considered ancient; i.e. its timestamp shall have no effect on which jobs to run.
return flag(value, "ancient")
[docs]def directory(value):
A flag to specify that output is a directory, rather than a file or named pipe.
if is_flagged(value, "pipe"):
raise SyntaxError("Pipe and directory flags are mutually exclusive.")
if is_flagged(value, "remote"):
raise SyntaxError("Remote and directory flags are mutually exclusive.")
if is_flagged(value, "dynamic"):
raise SyntaxError("Dynamic and directory flags are mutually exclusive.")
return flag(value, "directory")
[docs]def temp(value):
A flag for an input or output file that shall be removed after usage.
if is_flagged(value, "protected"):
raise SyntaxError("Protected and temporary flags are mutually exclusive.")
if is_flagged(value, "remote"):
raise SyntaxError("Remote and temporary flags are mutually exclusive.")
return flag(value, "temp")
[docs]def pipe(value):
if is_flagged(value, "protected"):
raise SyntaxError("Pipes may not be protected.")
if is_flagged(value, "remote"):
raise SyntaxError("Pipes may not be remote files.")
logger.warning("Pipes is not yet supported on Windows.")
return flag(value, "pipe", not ON_WINDOWS)
[docs]def temporary(value):
"""An alias for temp."""
return temp(value)
[docs]def protected(value):
"""A flag for a file that shall be write-protected after creation."""
if is_flagged(value, "temp"):
raise SyntaxError("Protected and temporary flags are mutually exclusive.")
if is_flagged(value, "remote"):
raise SyntaxError("Remote and protected flags are mutually exclusive.")
return flag(value, "protected")
[docs]def dynamic(value):
A flag for a file that shall be dynamic, i.e. the multiplicity
(and wildcard values) will be expanded after a certain
rule has been run"""
annotated = flag(value, "dynamic", True)
tocheck = [annotated] if not_iterable(annotated) else annotated
for file in tocheck:
matches = list(_wildcard_regex.finditer(file))
# if len(matches) != 1:
# raise SyntaxError("Dynamic files need exactly one wildcard.")
for match in matches:
if match.group("constraint"):
raise SyntaxError(
"The wildcards in dynamic files cannot be constrained."
return annotated
[docs]def touch(value):
return flag(value, "touch")
[docs]def unpack(value):
return flag(value, "unpack")
[docs]def repeat(value, n_repeat):
"""Flag benchmark records with the number of repeats."""
return flag(value, "repeat", n_repeat)
[docs]def checkpoint_target(value):
return flag(value, "checkpoint_target")
ReportObject = collections.namedtuple(
"ReportObject", ["caption", "category", "subcategory", "patterns", "htmlindex"]
[docs]def report(
value, caption=None, category=None, subcategory=None, patterns=[], htmlindex=None
"""Flag output file or directory as to be included into reports.
In the case of a directory, files to include can be specified via a glob pattern (default: *).
value -- File or directory.
caption -- Path to a .rst file with a textual description of the result.
category -- Name of the category in which the result should be displayed in the report.
pattern -- Wildcard pattern for selecting files if a directory is given (this is used as
input for snakemake.io.glob_wildcards). Pattern shall not include the path to the
directory itself.
return flag(
ReportObject(caption, category, subcategory, patterns, htmlindex),
[docs]def local(value):
"""Mark a file as a local file. This disables the application of a default remote
if is_flagged(value, "remote"):
raise SyntaxError("Remote and local flags are mutually exclusive.")
return flag(value, "local")
[docs]def expand(*args, **wildcards):
Expand wildcards in given filepatterns.
*args -- first arg: filepatterns as list or one single filepattern,
second arg (optional): a function to combine wildcard values
(itertools.product per default)
**wildcards -- the wildcards as keyword arguments
with their values as lists. If allow_missing=True is included
wildcards in filepattern without values will stay unformatted.
filepatterns = args[0]
if len(args) == 1:
combinator = product
elif len(args) == 2:
combinator = args[1]
if isinstance(filepatterns, str) or isinstance(filepatterns, Path):
filepatterns = [filepatterns]
def path_to_str(f):
if isinstance(f, Path):
return str(f)
return f
filepatterns = list(map(path_to_str, filepatterns))
if any(map(lambda f: getattr(f, "flags", {}), filepatterns)):
raise WorkflowError(
"Flags in file patterns given to expand() are invalid. "
"Flags (e.g. temp(), directory()) have to be applied outside "
"of expand (e.g. 'temp(expand(\"plots/{sample}.pdf\", sample=SAMPLES))')."
# check if remove missing is provided
format_dict = dict
if "allow_missing" in wildcards and wildcards["allow_missing"] is True:
class FormatDict(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
return "{" + key + "}"
format_dict = FormatDict
# check that remove missing is not a wildcard in the filepatterns
for filepattern in filepatterns:
if "allow_missing" in re.findall(r"{([^}\.[!:]+)", filepattern):
format_dict = dict
# remove unused wildcards to avoid duplicate filepatterns
wildcards = {
filepattern: {
k: v
for k, v in wildcards.items()
if k in re.findall(r"{([^}\.[!:]+)", filepattern)
for filepattern in filepatterns
def flatten(wildcards):
for wildcard, values in wildcards.items():
if isinstance(values, str) or not isinstance(
values, collections.abc.Iterable
values = [values]
yield [(wildcard, value) for value in values]
formatter = string.Formatter()
return [
formatter.vformat(filepattern, (), comb)
for filepattern in filepatterns
for comb in map(format_dict, combinator(*flatten(wildcards[filepattern])))
except KeyError as e:
raise WildcardError("No values given for wildcard {}.".format(e))
[docs]def multiext(prefix, *extensions):
"""Expand a given prefix with multiple extensions (e.g. .txt, .csv, _peaks.bed, ...)."""
if any((r"/" in ext or r"\\" in ext) for ext in extensions):
raise WorkflowError(
r"Extensions for multiext may not contain path delimiters " r"(/,\)."
return [flag(prefix + ext, "multiext", flag_value=prefix) for ext in extensions]
[docs]def limit(pattern, **wildcards):
Limit wildcards to the given values.
**wildcards -- the wildcards as keyword arguments
with their values as lists
return pattern.format(
wildcard: "{{{},{}}}".format(wildcard, "|".join(values))
for wildcard, values in wildcards.items()
[docs]def glob_wildcards(pattern, files=None, followlinks=False):
Glob the values of the wildcards by matching the given pattern to the filesystem.
Returns a named tuple with a list of values for each wildcard.
pattern = os.path.normpath(pattern)
first_wildcard = re.search("{[^{]", pattern)
dirname = (
os.path.dirname(pattern[: first_wildcard.start()])
if first_wildcard
else os.path.dirname(pattern)
if not dirname:
dirname = "."
names = [match.group("name") for match in _wildcard_regex.finditer(pattern)]
Wildcards = collections.namedtuple("Wildcards", names)
wildcards = Wildcards(*[list() for name in names])
pattern = re.compile(regex(pattern))
if files is None:
files = (
os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirpath, f))
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(
dirname, followlinks=followlinks
for f in chain(filenames, dirnames)
for f in files:
match = re.match(pattern, f)
if match:
for name, value in match.groupdict().items():
getattr(wildcards, name).append(value)
return wildcards
[docs]def update_wildcard_constraints(
pattern, wildcard_constraints, global_wildcard_constraints
"""Update wildcard constraints
pattern (str): pattern on which to update constraints
wildcard_constraints (dict): dictionary of wildcard:constraint key-value pairs
global_wildcard_constraints (dict): dictionary of wildcard:constraint key-value pairs
def replace_constraint(match):
name = match.group("name")
constraint = match.group("constraint")
newconstraint = wildcard_constraints.get(
name, global_wildcard_constraints.get(name)
if name in examined_names:
return match.group(0)
# Don't override if constraint already set
if constraint is not None:
return match.group(0)
# Only update if a new constraint has actually been set
elif newconstraint is not None:
return "{{{},{}}}".format(name, newconstraint)
return match.group(0)
examined_names = set()
updated = _wildcard_regex.sub(replace_constraint, pattern)
# inherit flags
if isinstance(pattern, AnnotatedString):
updated = AnnotatedString(updated)
updated.flags = dict(pattern.flags)
return updated
[docs]def split_git_path(path):
file_sub = re.sub(r"^git\+file:/+", "/", path)
(file_path, version) = file_sub.split("@")
file_path = os.path.realpath(file_path)
root_path = get_git_root(file_path)
if file_path.startswith(root_path):
file_path = file_path[len(root_path) :].lstrip("/")
return (root_path, file_path, version)
[docs]def get_git_root(path):
path: (str) Path a to a directory/file that is located inside the repo
path to the root folder for git repo
import git
git_repo = git.Repo(path, search_parent_directories=True)
return git_repo.git.rev_parse("--show-toplevel")
except git.exc.NoSuchPathError:
tail, head = os.path.split(path)
return get_git_root_parent_directory(tail, path)
[docs]def get_git_root_parent_directory(path, input_path):
This function will recursively go through parent directories until a git
repository is found or until no parent directories are left, in which case
an error will be raised. This is needed when providing a path to a
file/folder that is located on a branch/tag not currently checked out.
path: (str) Path a to a directory that is located inside the repo
input_path: (str) origin path, used when raising WorkflowError
path to the root folder for git repo
import git
git_repo = git.Repo(path, search_parent_directories=True)
return git_repo.git.rev_parse("--show-toplevel")
except git.exc.NoSuchPathError:
tail, head = os.path.split(path)
if tail is None:
raise WorkflowError(
"Neither provided git path ({}) ".format(input_path)
+ "or parent directories contain a valid git repo."
return get_git_root_parent_directory(tail, input_path)
[docs]def git_content(git_file):
This function will extract a file from a git repository, one located on
the filesystem.
The expected format is git+file:///path/to/your/repo/path_to_file@version
env_file (str): consist of path to repo, @, version, and file information
Ex: git+file:///home/smeds/snakemake-wrappers/bio/fastqc/wrapper.py@0.19.3
file content or None if the expected format isn't meet
import git
if git_file.startswith("git+file:"):
(root_path, file_path, version) = split_git_path(git_file)
return git.Repo(root_path).git.show("{}:{}".format(version, file_path))
raise WorkflowError(
"Provided git path ({}) doesn't meet the "
"expected format:".format(git_file) + ", expected format is "
[docs]def strip_wildcard_constraints(pattern):
"""Return a string that does not contain any wildcard constraints."""
def strip_constraint(match):
return "{{{}}}".format(match.group("name"))
return _wildcard_regex.sub(strip_constraint, pattern)
[docs]class Namedlist(list):
A list that additionally provides functions to name items. Further,
it is hashable, however, the hash does not consider the item names.
def __init__(
Create the object.
toclone -- another Namedlist that shall be cloned
fromdict -- a dict that shall be converted to a
Namedlist (keys become names)
self._names = dict()
# white-list of attribute names that can be overridden in _set_name
# default to throwing exception if called to prevent use as functions
self._allowed_overrides = ["index", "sort"]
for name in self._allowed_overrides:
setattr(self, name, functools.partial(self._used_attribute, _name=name))
if toclone:
if custom_map is not None:
self.extend(map(custom_map, toclone))
elif plainstr:
self.extend(map(str, toclone))
elif strip_constraints:
self.extend(map(strip_wildcard_constraints, toclone))
if isinstance(toclone, Namedlist):
if fromdict:
for key, item in fromdict.items():
def _used_attribute(*args, _name, **kwargs):
Generic function that throws an `AttributeError`.
Used as replacement for functions such as `index()` and `sort()`,
which may be overridden by workflows, to signal to a user that
these functions should not be used.
raise AttributeError(
"{_name}() cannot be used; attribute name reserved"
" for use in some existing workflows".format(_name=_name)
def _add_name(self, name):
Add a name to the last item.
name -- a name
self._set_name(name, len(self) - 1)
def _set_name(self, name, index, end=None):
Set the name of an item.
name -- a name
index -- the item index
if name not in self._allowed_overrides and hasattr(self.__class__, name):
raise AttributeError(
"invalid name for input, output, wildcard, "
"params or log: {name} is reserved for internal use".format(name=name)
self._names[name] = (index, end)
if end is None:
setattr(self, name, self[index])
setattr(self, name, Namedlist(toclone=self[index:end]))
def _get_names(self):
Get the defined names as (name, index) pairs.
for name, index in self._names.items():
yield name, index
def _take_names(self, names):
Take over the given names.
names -- the given names as (name, index) pairs
for name, (i, j) in names:
self._set_name(name, i, end=j)
[docs] def items(self):
for name in self._names:
yield name, getattr(self, name)
def _allitems(self):
next = 0
for name, index in sorted(
key=lambda item: (
item[1][0] + 1 if item[1][1] is None else item[1][1],
start, end = index
if end is None:
end = start + 1
if start > next:
for item in self[next:start]:
yield None, item
yield name, getattr(self, name)
next = end
for item in self[next:]:
yield None, item
def _insert_items(self, index, items):
self[index : index + 1] = items
add = len(items) - 1
for name, (i, j) in self._names.items():
if i > index:
self._names[name] = (i + add, None if j is None else j + add)
elif i == index:
self._set_name(name, i, end=i + len(items))
[docs] def keys(self):
return self._names.keys()
def _plainstrings(self):
return self.__class__.__call__(toclone=self, plainstr=True)
def _stripped_constraints(self):
return self.__class__.__call__(toclone=self, strip_constraints=True)
def _clone(self):
return self.__class__.__call__(toclone=self)
[docs] def get(self, key, default_value=None):
return self.__dict__.get(key, default_value)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return super().__getitem__(key)
except TypeError:
return getattr(self, key)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(tuple(self))
def __str__(self):
return " ".join(map(str, self))
[docs]class OutputFiles(Namedlist):
[docs]class Wildcards(Namedlist):
[docs]class Params(Namedlist):
[docs]class Resources(Namedlist):
[docs]class Log(Namedlist):
def _load_configfile(configpath_or_obj, filetype="Config"):
"Tries to load a configfile first as JSON, then as YAML, into a dict."
import yaml
if isinstance(configpath_or_obj, str) or isinstance(configpath_or_obj, Path):
obj = open(configpath_or_obj, encoding="utf-8")
obj = configpath_or_obj
with obj as f:
return json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict)
except ValueError:
f.seek(0) # try again
# From https://stackoverflow.com/a/21912744/84349
class OrderedLoader(yaml.Loader):
def construct_mapping(loader, node):
return collections.OrderedDict(loader.construct_pairs(node))
yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, construct_mapping
return yaml.load(f, Loader=OrderedLoader)
except yaml.YAMLError:
raise WorkflowError(
"Config file is not valid JSON or YAML. "
"In case of YAML, make sure to not mix "
"whitespace and tab indentation.".format(filetype)
except FileNotFoundError:
raise WorkflowError("{} file {} not found.".format(filetype, configpath))
[docs]def load_configfile(configpath):
"Loads a JSON or YAML configfile as a dict, then checks that it's a dict."
config = _load_configfile(configpath)
if not isinstance(config, dict):
raise WorkflowError(
"Config file must be given as JSON or YAML " "with keys at top level."
return config
##### Wildcard pumping detection #####
[docs]class PeriodicityDetector:
def __init__(self, min_repeat=20, max_repeat=100):
max_repeat (int): The maximum length of the periodic substring.
min_repeat (int): The minimum length of the periodic substring.
self.min_repeat = min_repeat
self.regex = re.compile(
min_repeat=min_repeat - 1, max_repeat=max_repeat - 1
[docs] def is_periodic(self, value):
"""Returns the periodic substring or None if not periodic."""
# short-circuit: need at least min_repeat characters
if len(value) < self.min_repeat:
return None
# short-circuit: need at least min_repeat same characters
last_letter = value[-1]
counter = collections.Counter(value)
if counter[last_letter] < self.min_repeat:
return None
# short-circuit: need at least min_repeat same characters
pos = 2
while (
value[-pos] != last_letter
): # as long as last letter is not seen, repeat length is minimally pos
if (
len(value) < (pos * self.min_repeat)
or counter[value[-pos]] < self.min_repeat
return None
pos += 1
# now do the expensive regex
m = self.regex.search(value) # search for a periodic suffix.
if m is not None:
return m.group("value")