Source code for snakemake.parser

__author__ = "Johannes Köster"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Johannes Köster"
__email__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT"

import tokenize
import textwrap
import os
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError, ContentTooShortError
import urllib.request
from io import TextIOWrapper

from snakemake.exceptions import WorkflowError
from snakemake import common

dd = textwrap.dedent

INDENT = "\t"

[docs]def is_newline(token, newline_tokens=set((tokenize.NEWLINE, tokenize.NL))): return token.type in newline_tokens
[docs]def is_indent(token): return token.type == tokenize.INDENT
[docs]def is_dedent(token): return token.type == tokenize.DEDENT
[docs]def is_op(token): return token.type == tokenize.OP
[docs]def is_greater(token): return is_op(token) and token.string == ">"
[docs]def is_comma(token): return is_op(token) and token.string == ","
[docs]def is_name(token): return token.type == tokenize.NAME
[docs]def is_colon(token): return is_op(token) and token.string == ":"
[docs]def is_comment(token): return token.type == tokenize.COMMENT
[docs]def is_string(token): return token.type == tokenize.STRING
[docs]def is_eof(token): return token.type == tokenize.ENDMARKER
[docs]def lineno(token): return token.start[0]
[docs]class StopAutomaton(Exception): def __init__(self, token): self.token = token
[docs]class TokenAutomaton: subautomata = dict() def __init__(self, snakefile, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): self.root = root self.snakefile = snakefile self.state = None self.base_indent = base_indent self.line = 0 self.indent = 0 self.was_indented = False self.lasttoken = None self._dedent = dedent @property def dedent(self): return self._dedent @property def effective_indent(self): return self.base_indent + self.indent - self.dedent
[docs] def indentation(self, token): if is_indent(token) or is_dedent(token): self.indent = token.end[1] - self.base_indent self.was_indented |= self.indent > 0
[docs] def consume(self): for token in self.snakefile: self.indentation(token) try: for t, orig in self.state(token): if self.lasttoken == "\n" and not t.isspace(): yield INDENT * self.effective_indent, orig yield t, orig self.lasttoken = t except tokenize.TokenError as e: self.error( str(e).split(",")[0].strip("()''"), token ) # TODO the inferred line number seems to be wrong sometimes
[docs] def error(self, msg, token): raise SyntaxError(msg, (self.snakefile.path, lineno(token), None, None))
[docs] def subautomaton(self, automaton, *args, **kwargs): return self.subautomata[automaton]( self.snakefile, *args, base_indent=self.base_indent + self.indent, dedent=self.dedent, root=False, **kwargs, )
[docs]class KeywordState(TokenAutomaton): prefix = "" def __init__(self, snakefile, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): super().__init__(snakefile, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root) self.line = 0 self.state = self.colon @property def keyword(self): return self.__class__.__name__.lower()[len(self.prefix) :]
[docs] def end(self): yield ")"
[docs] def decorate_end(self, token): for t in self.end(): if isinstance(t, tuple): yield t else: yield t, token
[docs] def colon(self, token): if is_colon(token): self.state = self.block for t in self.start(): yield t, token else: self.error("Colon expected after keyword {}.".format(self.keyword), token)
[docs] def is_block_end(self, token): return (self.line and self.indent <= 0) or is_eof(token)
[docs] def block(self, token): if self.lasttoken == "\n" and is_comment(token): # ignore lines containing only comments self.line -= 1 if self.is_block_end(token): yield from self.decorate_end(token) yield "\n", token raise StopAutomaton(token) if is_newline(token): self.line += 1 yield token.string, token elif not (is_indent(token) or is_dedent(token)): if is_comment(token): yield token.string, token else: yield from self.block_content(token)
[docs] def yield_indent(self, token): return token.string, token
[docs] def block_content(self, token): yield token.string, token
[docs]class GlobalKeywordState(KeywordState):
[docs] def start(self): yield "workflow.{keyword}(".format(keyword=self.keyword)
[docs]class DecoratorKeywordState(KeywordState): decorator = None args = list()
[docs] def start(self): yield "@workflow.{}".format(self.decorator) yield "\n" yield "def __{}({}):".format(self.decorator, ", ".join(self.args))
[docs] def end(self): yield ""
[docs]class RuleKeywordState(KeywordState): def __init__(self, snakefile, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True, rulename=None): super().__init__(snakefile, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root) self.rulename = rulename
[docs] def start(self): yield "\n" yield "@workflow.{keyword}(".format(keyword=self.keyword)
[docs]class SectionKeywordState(KeywordState):
[docs] def start(self): yield ", {keyword}=".format(keyword=self.keyword)
[docs] def end(self): # no end needed return list()
# Global keyword states
[docs]class Envvars(GlobalKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "register_envvars"
[docs]class Include(GlobalKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Workdir(GlobalKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Configfile(GlobalKeywordState): pass
# PEPs
[docs]class Pepfile(GlobalKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Pepschema(GlobalKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Report(GlobalKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Scattergather(GlobalKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Ruleorder(GlobalKeywordState):
[docs] def block_content(self, token): if is_greater(token): yield ",", token elif is_name(token): yield repr(token.string), token else: self.error( "Expected a descending order of rule names, " "e.g. rule1 > rule2 > rule3 ...", token, )
[docs]class GlobalWildcardConstraints(GlobalKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "global_wildcard_constraints"
[docs]class GlobalSingularity(GlobalKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "global_container"
[docs]class GlobalContainer(GlobalKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "global_container"
[docs]class GlobalContainerized(GlobalKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "global_containerized"
# subworkflows
[docs]class SubworkflowKeywordState(SectionKeywordState): prefix = "Subworkflow"
[docs]class SubworkflowSnakefile(SubworkflowKeywordState): pass
[docs]class SubworkflowWorkdir(SubworkflowKeywordState): pass
[docs]class SubworkflowConfigfile(SubworkflowKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Subworkflow(GlobalKeywordState): subautomata = dict( snakefile=SubworkflowSnakefile, workdir=SubworkflowWorkdir, configfile=SubworkflowConfigfile, ) def __init__(self, snakefile, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): super().__init__(snakefile, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root) self.state = self.has_snakefile = False self.has_workdir = False self.has_name = False self.primary_token = None
[docs] def end(self): if not (self.has_snakefile or self.has_workdir): self.error( "A subworkflow needs either a path to a Snakefile or to a workdir.", self.primary_token, ) yield ")"
[docs] def name(self, token): if is_name(token): yield "workflow.subworkflow({name!r}".format(name=token.string), token self.has_name = True elif is_colon(token) and self.has_name: self.primary_token = token self.state = self.block else: self.error("Expected name after subworkflow keyword.", token)
[docs] def block_content(self, token): if is_name(token): try: if token.string == "snakefile": self.has_snakefile = True if token.string == "workdir": self.has_workdir = True for t in self.subautomaton(token.string).consume(): yield t except KeyError: self.error( "Unexpected keyword {} in " "subworkflow definition".format(token.string), token, ) except StopAutomaton as e: self.indentation(e.token) for t in self.block(e.token): yield t elif is_comment(token): yield "\n", token yield token.string, token elif is_string(token): # ignore docstring pass else: self.error( "Expecting subworkflow keyword, comment or docstrings " "inside a subworkflow definition.", token, )
[docs]class Localrules(GlobalKeywordState):
[docs] def block_content(self, token): if is_comma(token): yield ",", token elif is_name(token): yield repr(token.string), token else: self.error( "Expected a comma separated list of rules that shall " "not be executed by the cluster command.", token, )
# Rule keyword states
[docs]class Name(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Input(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Output(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Params(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Threads(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Shadow(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Resources(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Priority(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Version(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Log(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Message(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Benchmark(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Conda(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Singularity(RuleKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "container"
[docs]class Container(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Containerized(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class EnvModules(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Group(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Cache(RuleKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "cache_rule"
[docs]class DefaultTarget(RuleKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "default_target_rule"
[docs]class Handover(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class WildcardConstraints(RuleKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "wildcard_constraints"
[docs]class Run(RuleKeywordState): def __init__(self, snakefile, rulename, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): super().__init__(snakefile, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root) self.rulename = rulename self.content = 0
[docs] def start(self): yield "" yield "\n" yield ( "def __rule_{rulename}(input, output, params, wildcards, threads, " "resources, log, version, rule, conda_env, container_img, " "singularity_args, use_singularity, env_modules, bench_record, jobid, " "is_shell, bench_iteration, cleanup_scripts, shadow_dir, edit_notebook, " "conda_base_path, basedir, runtime_sourcecache_path, {rule_func_marker}=True):".format( rulename=self.rulename if self.rulename is not None else self.snakefile.rulecount, rule_func_marker=common.RULEFUNC_CONTEXT_MARKER, ) )
[docs] def end(self): yield ""
[docs] def block_content(self, token): self.content += 1 yield token.string, token
[docs] def is_block_end(self, token): return (self.content and self.line and self.indent <= 0) or is_eof(token)
[docs]class AbstractCmd(Run): overwrite_cmd = None start_func = None end_func = None def __init__(self, snakefile, rulename, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): super().__init__( snakefile, rulename, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root ) self.cmd = list() self.token = None if self.overwrite_cmd is not None: self.block_content = self.overwrite_block_content
[docs] def is_block_end(self, token): return (self.line and self.indent <= 0) or is_eof(token)
[docs] def start(self): if self.start_func is not None: yield self.start_func yield "("
[docs] def args(self): yield from []
[docs] def end(self): # the end is detected. So we can savely reset the indent to zero here self.indent = 0 yield "\n" yield ")" yield "\n" for t in super().start(): yield t yield "\n" yield INDENT * (self.effective_indent + 1) yield self.end_func yield "(" yield "\n".join(self.cmd) yield from self.args() yield "\n" yield ")" for t in super().end(): yield t
[docs] def decorate_end(self, token): if self.token is None: # no block after shell keyword self.error( "Command must be given as string after the shell keyword.", token ) for t in self.end(): yield t, self.token
[docs] def block_content(self, token): self.token = token self.cmd.append(token.string) yield token.string, token
[docs] def overwrite_block_content(self, token): if self.token is None: self.token = token cmd = repr(self.overwrite_cmd) self.cmd.append(cmd) yield cmd, token
[docs]class Shell(AbstractCmd): start_func = "@workflow.shellcmd" end_func = "shell"
[docs] def args(self): yield ", bench_record=bench_record, bench_iteration=bench_iteration"
[docs]class Script(AbstractCmd): start_func = "@workflow.script" end_func = "script"
[docs] def args(self): yield ( ", basedir, input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, " "config, rule, conda_env, conda_base_path, container_img, singularity_args, env_modules, " "bench_record, jobid, bench_iteration, cleanup_scripts, shadow_dir, runtime_sourcecache_path" )
[docs]class Notebook(Script): start_func = "@workflow.notebook" end_func = "notebook"
[docs] def args(self): yield ( ", basedir, input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, " "config, rule, conda_env, conda_base_path, container_img, singularity_args, env_modules, " "bench_record, jobid, bench_iteration, cleanup_scripts, shadow_dir, " "edit_notebook, runtime_sourcecache_path" )
[docs]class Wrapper(Script): start_func = "@workflow.wrapper" end_func = "wrapper"
[docs] def args(self): yield ( ", input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, " "config, rule, conda_env, conda_base_path, container_img, singularity_args, env_modules, " "bench_record, workflow.wrapper_prefix, jobid, bench_iteration, " "cleanup_scripts, shadow_dir, runtime_sourcecache_path" )
[docs]class CWL(Script): start_func = "@workflow.cwl" end_func = "cwl"
[docs] def args(self): yield ( ", basedir, input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, " "config, rule, use_singularity, bench_record, jobid, runtime_sourcecache_path" )
rule_property_subautomata = dict( name=Name, input=Input, output=Output, params=Params, threads=Threads, resources=Resources, priority=Priority, version=Version, log=Log, message=Message, benchmark=Benchmark, conda=Conda, singularity=Singularity, container=Container, containerized=Containerized, envmodules=EnvModules, wildcard_constraints=WildcardConstraints, shadow=Shadow, group=Group, cache=Cache, handover=Handover, default_target=DefaultTarget, )
[docs]class Rule(GlobalKeywordState): subautomata = dict( run=Run, shell=Shell, script=Script, notebook=Notebook, wrapper=Wrapper, cwl=CWL, **rule_property_subautomata, ) def __init__(self, snakefile, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): super().__init__(snakefile, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root) self.state = self.lineno = None self.rulename = None = False self.snakefile.rulecount += 1
[docs] def start(self, aux=""): yield ( "@workflow.rule(name={rulename!r}, lineno={lineno}, " "snakefile={snakefile!r}{aux})".format( rulename=self.rulename, lineno=self.lineno, snakefile=self.snakefile.path, aux=aux, ) )
[docs] def end(self): if not yield "@workflow.norun()" yield "\n" for t in self.subautomaton("run", rulename=self.rulename).start(): yield t # the end is detected. # So we can savely reset the indent to zero here self.indent = 0 yield "\n" yield INDENT * (self.effective_indent + 1) yield "pass"
[docs] def name(self, token): if is_name(token): self.rulename = token.string elif is_colon(token): self.lineno = self.snakefile.lines + 1 self.state = self.block for t in self.start(): yield t, token else: self.error( "Expected name or colon after " "rule or checkpoint keyword.", token )
[docs] def block_content(self, token): if is_name(token): try: if ( token.string == "run" or token.string == "shell" or token.string == "script" or token.string == "wrapper" or token.string == "cwl" ): if raise self.error( "Multiple run or shell keywords in rule {}.".format( self.rulename ), token, ) = True elif raise self.error( "No rule keywords allowed after " "run/shell/script/wrapper/cwl in " "rule {}.".format(self.rulename), token, ) for t in self.subautomaton( token.string, rulename=self.rulename ).consume(): yield t except KeyError: self.error( "Unexpected keyword {} in rule definition".format(token.string), token, ) except StopAutomaton as e: self.indentation(e.token) for t in self.block(e.token): yield t elif is_comment(token): yield "\n", token yield token.string, token elif is_string(token): yield "\n", token yield "@workflow.docstring({})".format(token.string), token else: self.error( "Expecting rule keyword, comment or docstrings " "inside a rule definition.", token, )
@property def dedent(self): return self.indent
[docs]class Checkpoint(Rule):
[docs] def start(self): yield from super().start(aux=", checkpoint=True")
[docs]class OnSuccess(DecoratorKeywordState): decorator = "onsuccess" args = ["log"]
[docs]class OnError(DecoratorKeywordState): decorator = "onerror" args = ["log"]
[docs]class OnStart(DecoratorKeywordState): decorator = "onstart" args = ["log"]
# modules
[docs]class ModuleKeywordState(SectionKeywordState): prefix = "Module"
[docs]class ModuleSnakefile(ModuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class ModulePrefix(ModuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class ModuleMetaWrapper(ModuleKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "meta_wrapper"
[docs]class ModuleConfig(ModuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class ModuleSkipValidation(ModuleKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "skip_validation"
[docs]class ModuleReplacePrefix(ModuleKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "replace_prefix"
[docs]class Module(GlobalKeywordState): subautomata = dict( snakefile=ModuleSnakefile, meta_wrapper=ModuleMetaWrapper, config=ModuleConfig, skip_validation=ModuleSkipValidation, replace_prefix=ModuleReplacePrefix, prefix=ModulePrefix, ) def __init__(self, snakefile, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): super().__init__(snakefile, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root) self.state = self.has_snakefile = False self.has_meta_wrapper = False self.has_name = False self.primary_token = None
[docs] def end(self): if not (self.has_snakefile or self.has_meta_wrapper): self.error( "A module needs either a path to a Snakefile or a meta wrapper URL.", self.primary_token, ) yield ")"
[docs] def name(self, token): if is_name(token): yield "workflow.module({name!r}".format(name=token.string), token self.has_name = True elif is_colon(token) and self.has_name: self.primary_token = token self.state = self.block else: self.error("Expected name after module keyword.", token)
[docs] def block_content(self, token): if is_name(token): try: if token.string == "snakefile": self.has_snakefile = True if token.string == "meta_wrapper": self.has_meta_wrapper = True for t in self.subautomaton(token.string).consume(): yield t except KeyError: self.error( "Unexpected keyword {} in " "module definition".format(token.string), token, ) except StopAutomaton as e: self.indentation(e.token) for t in self.block(e.token): yield t elif is_comment(token): yield "\n", token yield token.string, token elif is_string(token): # ignore docstring pass else: self.error( "Expecting module keyword, comment or docstrings " "inside a module definition.", token, )
[docs]class UseRule(GlobalKeywordState): subautomata = rule_property_subautomata def __init__(self, snakefile, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): super().__init__(snakefile, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root) self.state = self.state_keyword_rule self.rules = [] self.has_with = False self.name_modifier = [] self.from_module = None self._with_block = [] self.lineno = self.snakefile.lines + 1
[docs] def end(self): name_modifier = "".join(self.name_modifier) if self.name_modifier else None yield "@workflow.userule(rules={!r}, from_module={!r}, name_modifier={!r}, lineno={})".format( self.rules, self.from_module, name_modifier, self.lineno ) yield "\n" # yield with block yield from self._with_block yield "" yield "\n" rulename = self.rules[0] if rulename == "*": rulename = "__allrules__" yield "def __userule_{}_{}():".format(self.from_module, rulename) # the end is detected. # So we can savely reset the indent to zero here self.indent = 0 yield "\n" yield INDENT * (self.effective_indent + 1) yield "pass"
[docs] def state_keyword_rule(self, token): if is_name(token) and token.string == "rule": self.state = self.state_rules_rule yield from () else: self.error("Expecting keyword 'rule' after keyword 'use'", token)
[docs] def state_rules_rule(self, token): if is_name(token): if token.string == "from" or token.string == "as" and not self.rules: self.error("Expecting rule names after 'use rule' statement.", token) self.rules.append(token.string) self.state = self.state_rules_comma_or_end yield from () elif is_op(token): if token.string == "*": self.rules.append(token.string) self.state = self.state_rules_end yield from () else: self.error( "Expecting rule name or '*' after 'use rule' statement.", token ) else: self.error( "Expecting rule listing (comma separated) after 'use rule' statement.", token, )
# TODO newline and parentheses handling
[docs] def state_rules_end(self, token): if is_name(token) and token.string == "from": self.state = self.state_from yield from () else: self.error( "Expecting list of rules in 'use rule' statement to end with keyword 'from'.", token, )
[docs] def state_rules_comma_or_end(self, token): if is_name(token): if token.string == "from" or token.string == "as": if not self.rules: self.error( "Expecting rule names after 'use rule' statement.", token ) if token.string == "from": self.state = self.state_from else: self.state = self.state_as yield from () else: self.error( "Expecting list of rules in 'use rule' statement to end with keyword 'from'.", token, ) elif is_comma(token): self.state = self.state_rules_rule yield from () else: self.error( "Unexpected token in list of rules within 'use rule' statement.", token )
[docs] def state_from(self, token): if is_name(token): self.state = self.state_modifier self.from_module = token.string yield from () else: self.error( "Expecting module name after 'from' keyword in 'use rule' statement.", token, )
[docs] def state_modifier(self, token): if is_name(token): if token.string == "as" and not self.name_modifier: self.state = self.state_as yield from () elif token.string == "with": yield from self.handle_with(token) else: self.error( "Expecting at most one 'as' or 'with' statement, or the end of the line.", token, ) elif is_newline(token) or is_comment(token) or is_eof(token): # end of the statement, close block manually yield from self.block(token) else: self.error( "Expecting either 'as', 'with' or end of line in 'use rule' statement.", token, )
[docs] def handle_with(self, token): if "*" in self.rules: self.error( "Keyword 'with' in 'use rule' statement is not allowed in combination with rule pattern '*'.", token, ) self.has_with = True self.state = self.state_with yield from ()
[docs] def state_as(self, token): if is_name(token): if token.string != "with": self.name_modifier.append(token.string) yield from () else: yield from self.handle_with(token) elif is_op(token) and token.string == "*": self.name_modifier.append(token.string) yield from () elif is_newline(token) or is_comment(token) or is_eof(token): # end of the statement, close block manually yield from self.block(token) else: self.error( "Expecting rulename modifying pattern (e.g. modulename_*) after 'as' keyword.", token, )
[docs] def state_with(self, token): if is_colon(token): self.state = self.block yield from () else: self.error( "Expecting colon after 'with' keyword in 'use rule' statement.", token )
[docs] def block_content(self, token): if is_comment(token): yield "\n", token yield token.string, token elif is_name(token): try: self._with_block.extend(self.subautomaton(token.string).consume()) yield from () except KeyError: self.error( "Unexpected keyword {} in rule definition".format(token.string), token, ) except StopAutomaton as e: self.indentation(e.token) self.block(e.token) else: self.error( "Expecting a keyword or comment " "inside a 'use rule ... with:' statement.", token, )
@property def dedent(self): return self.indent
[docs]class Python(TokenAutomaton): subautomata = dict( envvars=Envvars, include=Include, workdir=Workdir, configfile=Configfile, pepfile=Pepfile, pepschema=Pepschema, report=Report, ruleorder=Ruleorder, rule=Rule, checkpoint=Checkpoint, subworkflow=Subworkflow, localrules=Localrules, onsuccess=OnSuccess, onerror=OnError, onstart=OnStart, wildcard_constraints=GlobalWildcardConstraints, singularity=GlobalSingularity, container=GlobalContainer, containerized=GlobalContainerized, scattergather=Scattergather, module=Module, use=UseRule, ) def __init__(self, snakefile, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): super().__init__(snakefile, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root) self.state = self.python
[docs] def python(self, token): if not (is_indent(token) or is_dedent(token)): if self.lasttoken is None or self.lasttoken.isspace(): try: for t in self.subautomaton(token.string).consume(): yield t except KeyError: yield token.string, token except StopAutomaton as e: self.indentation(e.token) for t in self.python(e.token): yield t else: yield token.string, token
[docs]class Snakefile: def __init__(self, path, workflow, rulecount=0): self.path = path.get_path_or_uri() self.file = self.tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(self.file.readline) self.rulecount = rulecount self.lines = 0 def __next__(self): return next(self.tokens) def __iter__(self): return self def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.file.close()
[docs]def format_tokens(tokens): t_ = None for t in tokens: if t_ and not t.isspace() and not t_.isspace(): yield " " yield t t_ = t
[docs]def parse(path, workflow, overwrite_shellcmd=None, rulecount=0): Shell.overwrite_cmd = overwrite_shellcmd with Snakefile(path, workflow, rulecount=rulecount) as snakefile: automaton = Python(snakefile) linemap = dict() compilation = list() for t, orig_token in automaton.consume(): l = lineno(orig_token) linemap.update( dict( (i, l) for i in range( snakefile.lines + 1, snakefile.lines + t.count("\n") + 1 ) ) ) snakefile.lines += t.count("\n") compilation.append(t) compilation = "".join(format_tokens(compilation)) if linemap: last = max(linemap) linemap[last + 1] = linemap[last] return compilation, linemap, snakefile.rulecount