Source code for snakemake.rules

__author__ = "Johannes Köster"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Johannes Köster"
__email__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT"

import os
import re
from snakemake.path_modifier import PATH_MODIFIER_FLAG
import sys
import inspect
import sre_constants
import collections
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from pathlib import Path
from itertools import chain
from functools import partial

from import (
from import (
from import (
from snakemake.exceptions import (
from snakemake.logging import logger
from snakemake.common import Mode, ON_WINDOWS, lazy_property, TBDString

[docs]class Rule: def __init__(self, *args, lineno=None, snakefile=None, restart_times=0): """ Create a rule Arguments name -- the name of the rule """ if len(args) == 2: name, workflow = args = name self.workflow = workflow self.docstring = None self.message = None self._input = InputFiles() self._output = OutputFiles() self._params = Params() self._wildcard_constraints = dict() self.dependencies = dict() self.dynamic_output = set() self.dynamic_input = set() self.temp_output = set() self.protected_output = set() self.touch_output = set() self.subworkflow_input = dict() self.shadow_depth = None self.resources = None self.priority = 0 self._version = None self._log = Log() self._benchmark = None self._conda_env = None self._container_img = None self.is_containerized = False self.env_modules = None = None self._wildcard_names = None self.lineno = lineno self.snakefile = snakefile self.run_func = None self.shellcmd = None self.script = None self.notebook = None self.wrapper = None self.cwl = None self.norun = False self.is_handover = False self.is_branched = False self.is_checkpoint = False self.restart_times = 0 self.basedir = None self.path_modifer = None self.ruleinfo = None elif len(args) == 1: other = args[0] = self.workflow = other.workflow self.docstring = other.docstring self.message = other.message self._input = InputFiles(other._input) self._output = OutputFiles(other._output) self._params = Params(other._params) self._wildcard_constraints = dict(other._wildcard_constraints) self.dependencies = dict(other.dependencies) self.dynamic_output = set(other.dynamic_output) self.dynamic_input = set(other.dynamic_input) self.temp_output = set(other.temp_output) self.protected_output = set(other.protected_output) self.touch_output = set(other.touch_output) self.subworkflow_input = dict(other.subworkflow_input) self.shadow_depth = other.shadow_depth self.resources = other.resources self.priority = other.priority self.version = other.version self._log = other._log self._benchmark = other._benchmark self._conda_env = other._conda_env self._container_img = other._container_img self.is_containerized = other.is_containerized self.env_modules = other.env_modules = self._wildcard_names = ( set(other._wildcard_names) if other._wildcard_names is not None else None ) self.lineno = other.lineno self.snakefile = other.snakefile self.run_func = other.run_func self.shellcmd = other.shellcmd self.script = other.script self.notebook = other.notebook self.wrapper = other.wrapper self.cwl = other.cwl self.norun = other.norun self.is_handover = other.is_handover self.is_branched = True self.is_checkpoint = other.is_checkpoint self.restart_times = other.restart_times self.basedir = other.basedir self.path_modifier = other.path_modifier self.ruleinfo = other.ruleinfo
[docs] def dynamic_branch(self, wildcards, input=True): def get_io(rule): return ( (rule.input, rule.dynamic_input) if input else (rule.output, rule.dynamic_output) ) def partially_expand(f, wildcards): """Expand the wildcards in f from the ones present in wildcards This is done by replacing all wildcard delimiters by `{{` or `}}` that are not in `wildcards.keys()`. """ # perform the partial expansion from f's string representation s = str(f).replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}") for key in wildcards.keys(): s = s.replace("{{{{{}}}}}".format(key), "{{{}}}".format(key)) # build result anno_s = AnnotatedString(s) anno_s.flags = f.flags return IOFile(anno_s, f.rule) io, dynamic_io = get_io(self) branch = Rule(self) io_, dynamic_io_ = get_io(branch) expansion = collections.defaultdict(list) for i, f in enumerate(io): if f in dynamic_io: f = partially_expand(f, wildcards) try: for e in reversed(expand(str(f), zip, **wildcards)): # need to clone the flags so intermediate # dynamic remote file paths are expanded and # removed appropriately ioFile = IOFile(e, rule=branch) ioFile.clone_flags(f) expansion[i].append(ioFile) except KeyError: return None # replace the dynamic files with the expanded files replacements = [(i, io[i], e) for i, e in reversed(list(expansion.items()))] for i, old, exp in replacements: dynamic_io_.remove(old) io_._insert_items(i, exp) if not input: for i, old, exp in replacements: if old in branch.temp_output: branch.temp_output.discard(old) branch.temp_output.update(exp) if old in branch.protected_output: branch.protected_output.discard(old) branch.protected_output.update(exp) if old in branch.touch_output: branch.touch_output.discard(old) branch.touch_output.update(exp) branch.wildcard_names.clear() non_dynamic_wildcards = dict( (name, values[0]) for name, values in wildcards.items() if len(set(values)) == 1 ) # TODO have a look into how to concretize dependencies here branch._input, _, branch.dependencies = branch.expand_input( non_dynamic_wildcards ) branch._output, _ = branch.expand_output(non_dynamic_wildcards) resources = branch.expand_resources(non_dynamic_wildcards, branch._input, 1) branch._params = branch.expand_params( non_dynamic_wildcards, branch._input, branch._output, resources, omit_callable=True, ) branch.resources = dict(resources.items()) branch._log = branch.expand_log(non_dynamic_wildcards) branch._benchmark = branch.expand_benchmark(non_dynamic_wildcards) branch._conda_env = branch.expand_conda_env(non_dynamic_wildcards) return branch, non_dynamic_wildcards return branch
@property def is_shell(self): return self.shellcmd is not None @property def is_script(self): return self.script is not None @property def is_notebook(self): return self.notebook is not None @property def is_wrapper(self): return self.wrapper is not None @property def is_cwl(self): return self.cwl is not None @property def is_run(self): return not ( self.is_shell or self.norun or self.is_script or self.is_notebook or self.is_wrapper or self.is_cwl )
[docs] def check_caching(self): if in self.workflow.cache_rules: if len(self.output) == 0: raise RuleException( "Rules without output files cannot be cached.", rule=self ) if len(self.output) > 1: prefixes = set(out.multiext_prefix for out in self.output) if None in prefixes or len(prefixes) > 1: raise RuleException( "Rules with multiple output files must define them as a single multiext() " '(e.g. multiext("path/to/index", ".bwt", ".ann")). ' "The rationale is that multiple output files can only be unambiously resolved " "if they can be distinguished by a fixed set of extensions (i.e. mime types).", rule=self, ) if self.dynamic_output: raise RuleException( "Rules with dynamic output files may not be cached.", rule=self )
[docs] def has_wildcards(self): """ Return True if rule contains wildcards. """ return bool(self.wildcard_names)
@property def version(self): return self._version @version.setter def version(self, version): if isinstance(version, str) and "\n" in version: raise WorkflowError( "Version string may not contain line breaks.", rule=self ) self._version = version @property def benchmark(self): return self._benchmark @benchmark.setter def benchmark(self, benchmark): if isinstance(benchmark, Path): benchmark = str(benchmark) if not callable(benchmark): benchmark = self.apply_path_modifier(benchmark, property="benchmark") benchmark = self._update_item_wildcard_constraints(benchmark) self._benchmark = IOFile(benchmark, rule=self) self.register_wildcards(self._benchmark.get_wildcard_names()) @property def conda_env(self): return self._conda_env @conda_env.setter def conda_env(self, conda_env): from snakemake.deployment.conda import ( is_conda_env_file, CondaEnvFileSpec, CondaEnvNameSpec, ) if is_conda_env_file(conda_env): self._conda_env = CondaEnvFileSpec(conda_env, rule=self) else: self._conda_env = CondaEnvNameSpec(conda_env) @property def container_img(self): return self._container_img @container_img.setter def container_img(self, container_img): self._container_img = container_img @property def input(self): return self._input
[docs] def set_input(self, *input, **kwinput): """ Add a list of input files. Recursive lists are flattened. Arguments input -- the list of input files """ for item in input: self._set_inoutput_item(item) for name, item in kwinput.items(): self._set_inoutput_item(item, name=name)
@property def output(self): return self._output @property def products(self): if self.benchmark: return chain(self.output, self.log, [self.benchmark]) else: return chain(self.output, self.log)
[docs] def register_wildcards(self, wildcard_names): if self._wildcard_names is None: self._wildcard_names = wildcard_names else: if self.wildcard_names != wildcard_names: raise SyntaxError( "Not all output, log and benchmark files of " "rule {} contain the same wildcards. " "This is crucial though, in order to " "avoid that two or more jobs write to the " "same file.".format( )
@property def wildcard_names(self): if self._wildcard_names is None: return set() return self._wildcard_names
[docs] def set_output(self, *output, **kwoutput): """ Add a list of output files. Recursive lists are flattened. After creating the output files, they are checked for duplicates. Arguments output -- the list of output files """ for item in output: self._set_inoutput_item(item, output=True) for name, item in kwoutput.items(): self._set_inoutput_item(item, output=True, name=name) for item in self.output: if self.dynamic_output and item not in self.dynamic_output: raise SyntaxError( "A rule with dynamic output may not define any " "non-dynamic output files." ) self.register_wildcards(item.get_wildcard_names()) # Check output file name list for duplicates self.check_output_duplicates() self.check_caching()
[docs] def check_output_duplicates(self): """Check ``Namedlist`` for duplicate entries and raise a ``WorkflowError`` on problems. Does not raise if the entry is empty. """ seen = dict() idx = None for name, value in self.output._allitems(): if name is None: if idx is None: idx = 0 else: idx += 1 if value and value in seen: raise WorkflowError( "Duplicate output file pattern in rule {}. First two " "duplicate for entries {} and {}.".format(, seen[value], name or idx ) ) seen[value] = name or idx
[docs] def apply_path_modifier(self, item, property=None): assert self.path_modifier is not None apply = partial(self.path_modifier.modify, property=property) assert not callable(item) if isinstance(item, dict): return {k: apply(v) for k, v in item.items()} elif isinstance(item, and not isinstance(item, str): return [apply(e) for e in item] else: return apply(item)
[docs] def update_wildcard_constraints(self): for i in range(len(self.output)): item = self.output[i] newitem = IOFile( self._update_item_wildcard_constraints(self.output[i]), rule=self ) # the updated item has to have the same flags newitem.clone_flags(item) self.output[i] = newitem
def _update_item_wildcard_constraints(self, item): if not (self.wildcard_constraints or self.workflow._wildcard_constraints): return item try: return update_wildcard_constraints( item, self.wildcard_constraints, self.workflow._wildcard_constraints ) except ValueError as e: raise IOFileException(str(e), snakefile=self.snakefile, lineno=self.lineno) def _set_inoutput_item(self, item, output=False, name=None): """ Set an item to be input or output. Arguments item -- the item inoutput -- a Namedlist of either input or output items name -- an optional name for the item """ inoutput = self.output if output else self.input # Check to see if the item is a path, if so, just make it a string if isinstance(item, Path): item = str(item) if isinstance(item, str): if ON_WINDOWS: if isinstance(item, (_IOFile, AnnotatedString)): item = item.new_from(item.replace(os.sep, os.altsep)) else: item = item.replace(os.sep, os.altsep) rule_dependency = None if isinstance(item, _IOFile) and item.rule and item in item.rule.output: rule_dependency = item.rule item = self.apply_path_modifier( item, property="output" if output else "input" ) # Check to see that all flags are valid # Note that "remote", "dynamic", and "expand" are valid for both inputs and outputs. if isinstance(item, AnnotatedString): for flag in item.flags: if not output and flag in [ "protected", "temp", "temporary", "directory", "touch", "pipe", ]: logger.warning( "The flag '{}' used in rule {} is only valid for outputs, not inputs.".format( flag, self ) ) if output and flag in ["ancient"]: logger.warning( "The flag '{}' used in rule {} is only valid for inputs, not outputs.".format( flag, self ) ) # add the rule to the dependencies if rule_dependency is not None: self.dependencies[item] = rule_dependency if output: item = self._update_item_wildcard_constraints(item) else: if ( contains_wildcard_constraints(item) and self.workflow.mode != Mode.subprocess ): logger.warning( "Wildcard constraints in inputs are ignored. (rule: {})".format( self ) ) if self.workflow.all_temp and output: # mark as temp if all output files shall be marked as temp item =, "temp") # record rule if this is an output file output _item = IOFile(item, rule=self) if is_flagged(item, "temp"): if output: self.temp_output.add(_item) if is_flagged(item, "protected"): if output: self.protected_output.add(_item) if is_flagged(item, "touch"): if output: self.touch_output.add(_item) if is_flagged(item, "dynamic"): if output: self.dynamic_output.add(_item) else: self.dynamic_input.add(_item) if is_flagged(item, "report"): report_obj = item.flags["report"] if report_obj.caption is not None: r = ReportObject( self.workflow.current_basedir.join(report_obj.caption), report_obj.category, report_obj.subcategory, report_obj.patterns, report_obj.htmlindex, ) item.flags["report"] = r if is_flagged(item, "subworkflow"): if output: raise SyntaxError("Only input files may refer to a subworkflow") else: # record the workflow this item comes from sub = item.flags["subworkflow"] if _item in self.subworkflow_input: other = self.subworkflow_input[_item] if sub != other: raise WorkflowError( "The input file {} is ambiguously " "associated with two subworkflows " "{} and {}.".format(item, sub, other), rule=self, ) self.subworkflow_input[_item] = sub inoutput.append(_item) if name: inoutput._add_name(name) elif callable(item): if output: raise SyntaxError("Only input files can be specified as functions") inoutput.append(item) if name: inoutput._add_name(name) else: try: start = len(inoutput) for i in item: self._set_inoutput_item(i, output=output) if name: # if the list was named, make it accessible inoutput._set_name(name, start, end=len(inoutput)) except TypeError: raise SyntaxError( "Input and output files have to be specified as strings or lists of strings." ) @property def params(self): return self._params
[docs] def set_params(self, *params, **kwparams): for item in params: self._set_params_item(item) for name, item in kwparams.items(): self._set_params_item(item, name=name)
def _set_params_item(self, item, name=None): self.params.append(item) if name: self.params._add_name(name) @property def wildcard_constraints(self): return self._wildcard_constraints
[docs] def set_wildcard_constraints(self, **kwwildcard_constraints): self._wildcard_constraints.update(kwwildcard_constraints)
@property def log(self): return self._log
[docs] def set_log(self, *logs, **kwlogs): for item in logs: self._set_log_item(item) for name, item in kwlogs.items(): self._set_log_item(item, name=name) for item in self.log: self.register_wildcards(item.get_wildcard_names())
def _set_log_item(self, item, name=None): # Pathlib compatibility if isinstance(item, Path): item = str(item) if isinstance(item, str) or callable(item): if not callable(item): item = self.apply_path_modifier(item, property="log") item = self._update_item_wildcard_constraints(item) self.log.append(IOFile(item, rule=self) if isinstance(item, str) else item) if name: self.log._add_name(name) else: try: start = len(self.log) for i in item: self._set_log_item(i) if name: self.log._set_name(name, start, end=len(self.log)) except TypeError: raise SyntaxError("Log files have to be specified as strings.")
[docs] def check_wildcards(self, wildcards): missing_wildcards = self.wildcard_names - set(wildcards.keys()) if missing_wildcards: raise RuleException( "Could not resolve wildcards in rule {}:\n{}".format(, "\n".join(self.wildcard_names) ), lineno=self.lineno, snakefile=self.snakefile, )
[docs] def apply_input_function( self, func, wildcards, incomplete_checkpoint_func=lambda e: None, raw_exceptions=False, **aux_params ): incomplete = False if isinstance(func, _IOFile): func = func._file.callable elif isinstance(func, AnnotatedString): func = func.callable sig = inspect.signature(func) _aux_params = {k: v for k, v in aux_params.items() if k in sig.parameters} try: value = func(Wildcards(fromdict=wildcards), **_aux_params) except IncompleteCheckpointException as e: value = incomplete_checkpoint_func(e) incomplete = True except FileNotFoundError as e: # Function evaluation can depend on input files. Since expansion can happen during dryrun, # where input files are not yet present, we need to skip such cases and # mark them as <TBD>. if "input" in aux_params and e.filename in aux_params["input"]: value = TBDString() else: raise e except (Exception, BaseException) as e: if raw_exceptions: raise e else: raise InputFunctionException(e, rule=self, wildcards=wildcards) return value, incomplete
def _apply_wildcards( self, newitems, olditems, wildcards, concretize=None, check_return_type=True, omit_callable=False, mapping=None, no_flattening=False, aux_params=None, apply_path_modifier=True, property=None, incomplete_checkpoint_func=lambda e: None, allow_unpack=True, ): if aux_params is None: aux_params = dict() for name, item in olditems._allitems(): start = len(newitems) is_unpack = is_flagged(item, "unpack") _is_callable = is_callable(item) if _is_callable: if omit_callable: continue item, incomplete = self.apply_input_function( item, wildcards, incomplete_checkpoint_func=incomplete_checkpoint_func, is_unpack=is_unpack, **aux_params ) if apply_path_modifier: item = self.apply_path_modifier(item, property=property) if is_unpack and not incomplete: if not allow_unpack: raise WorkflowError( "unpack() is not allowed with params. " "Simply return a dictionary which can be directly ." "used, e.g. via {params[mykey]}." ) # Sanity checks before interpreting unpack() if not isinstance(item, (list, dict)): raise WorkflowError( "Can only use unpack() on list and dict", rule=self ) if name: raise WorkflowError( "Cannot combine named input file with unpack()", rule=self ) # Allow streamlined code with/without unpack if isinstance(item, list): pairs = zip([None] * len(item), item) else: assert isinstance(item, dict) pairs = item.items() else: pairs = [(name, item)] for name, item in pairs: is_iterable = True if not_iterable(item) or no_flattening: item = [item] is_iterable = False for item_ in item: if ( check_return_type and not isinstance(item_, str) and not isinstance(item_, Path) ): raise WorkflowError( "Function did not return str or list " "of str.", rule=self ) concrete = concretize(item_, wildcards, _is_callable) newitems.append(concrete) if mapping is not None: mapping[concrete] = item_ if name: newitems._set_name( name, start, end=len(newitems) if is_iterable else None ) start = len(newitems)
[docs] def expand_input(self, wildcards): def concretize_iofile(f, wildcards, is_from_callable): if is_from_callable: if isinstance(f, Path): f = str(f) return IOFile(f, rule=self).apply_wildcards( wildcards, fill_missing=f in self.dynamic_input, fail_dynamic=self.dynamic_output, ) else: return f.apply_wildcards( wildcards, fill_missing=f in self.dynamic_input, fail_dynamic=self.dynamic_output, ) def handle_incomplete_checkpoint(exception): """If checkpoint is incomplete, target it such that it is completed before this rule gets executed.""" return exception.targetfile input = InputFiles() mapping = dict() try: self._apply_wildcards( input, self.input, wildcards, concretize=concretize_iofile, mapping=mapping, incomplete_checkpoint_func=handle_incomplete_checkpoint, property="input", ) except WildcardError as e: raise WildcardError( "Wildcards in input files cannot be " "determined from output files:", str(e), rule=self, ) if self.dependencies: dependencies = { f: self.dependencies[f_] for f, f_ in mapping.items() if f_ in self.dependencies } if None in self.dependencies: dependencies[None] = self.dependencies[None] else: dependencies = self.dependencies for f in input: f.check() return input, mapping, dependencies
[docs] def expand_params(self, wildcards, input, output, resources, omit_callable=False): def concretize_param(p, wildcards, is_from_callable): if not is_from_callable: if isinstance(p, str): return apply_wildcards(p, wildcards) if isinstance(p, list): return [ (apply_wildcards(v, wildcards) if isinstance(v, str) else v) for v in p ] return p def handle_incomplete_checkpoint(exception): """If checkpoint is incomplete, target it such that it is completed before this rule gets executed.""" print(exception.targetfile) if exception.targetfile in input: return TBDString() else: raise WorkflowError( "Rule parameter depends on checkpoint but checkpoint output is not defined as input file for the rule. " "Please add the output of the respective checkpoint to the rule inputs." ) params = Params() try: # When applying wildcards to params, the return type need not be # a string, so the check is disabled. self._apply_wildcards( params, self.params, wildcards, concretize=concretize_param, check_return_type=False, omit_callable=omit_callable, allow_unpack=False, no_flattening=True, apply_path_modifier=False, property="params", aux_params={ "input": input._plainstrings(), "resources": resources, "output": output._plainstrings(), "threads": resources._cores, }, incomplete_checkpoint_func=handle_incomplete_checkpoint, ) except WildcardError as e: raise WildcardError( "Wildcards in params cannot be " "determined from output files. Note that you have " "to use a function to deactivate automatic wildcard expansion " "in params strings, e.g., `lambda wildcards: '{test}'`. Also " "see" "rules.html#non-file-parameters-for-rules:", str(e), rule=self, ) return params
[docs] def expand_output(self, wildcards): output = OutputFiles(o.apply_wildcards(wildcards) for o in self.output) output._take_names(self.output._get_names()) mapping = {f: f_ for f, f_ in zip(output, self.output)} for f in output: f.check() # Note that we do not need to check for duplicate file names after # expansion as all output patterns have contain all wildcards anyway. return output, mapping
[docs] def expand_log(self, wildcards): def concretize_logfile(f, wildcards, is_from_callable): if is_from_callable: return IOFile(f, rule=self) else: return f.apply_wildcards( wildcards, fill_missing=False, fail_dynamic=self.dynamic_output ) log = Log() try: self._apply_wildcards( log, self.log, wildcards, concretize=concretize_logfile, property="log" ) except WildcardError as e: raise WildcardError( "Wildcards in log files cannot be " "determined from output files:", str(e), rule=self, ) for f in log: f.check() return log
[docs] def expand_benchmark(self, wildcards): try: benchmark = ( self.benchmark.apply_wildcards(wildcards) if self.benchmark else None ) except WildcardError as e: raise WildcardError( "Wildcards in benchmark file cannot be " "determined from output files:", str(e), rule=self, ) if benchmark is not None: benchmark.check() return benchmark
[docs] def expand_resources(self, wildcards, input, attempt): resources = dict() def apply(name, res, threads=None): if callable(res): aux = dict( if threads is not None: aux["threads"] = threads try: res, _ = self.apply_input_function( res, wildcards, input=input, attempt=attempt, incomplete_checkpoint_func=lambda e: 0, raw_exceptions=True, **aux ) except (Exception, BaseException) as e: raise InputFunctionException(e, rule=self, wildcards=wildcards) if isinstance(res, float): # round to integer res = int(round(res)) if not isinstance(res, int) and not isinstance(res, str): raise WorkflowError( "Resources function did not return int, float (floats are " "rouded to the nearest integer), or str.", rule=self, ) if isinstance(res, int): global_res = self.workflow.global_resources.get(name, res) if global_res is not None: res = min(global_res, res) return res threads = apply("_cores", self.resources["_cores"]) if self.workflow.max_threads is not None: threads = min(threads, self.workflow.max_threads) resources["_cores"] = threads for name, res in self.resources.items(): if name != "_cores": resources[name] = apply(name, res, threads=threads) resources = Resources(fromdict=resources) return resources
[docs] def expand_group(self, wildcards): """Expand the group given wildcards.""" if callable( item, _ = self.apply_input_function(, wildcards) return item elif isinstance(, str): return apply_wildcards(, wildcards, dynamic_fill=DYNAMIC_FILL) else: return
[docs] def expand_conda_env(self, wildcards): try: conda_env = ( self.conda_env.apply_wildcards(wildcards, self) if self.conda_env else None ) except WildcardError as e: raise WildcardError( "Wildcards in conda environment file cannot be " "determined from output files:", str(e), rule=self, ) if conda_env is not None: conda_env.check() return conda_env
[docs] def is_producer(self, requested_output): """ Returns True if this rule is a producer of the requested output. """ try: for o in self.products: if o.match(requested_output): return True return False except sre_constants.error as ex: raise IOFileException( "{} in wildcard statement".format(ex), snakefile=self.snakefile, lineno=self.lineno, ) except ValueError as ex: raise IOFileException( "{}".format(ex), snakefile=self.snakefile, lineno=self.lineno )
[docs] def get_wildcards(self, requested_output): """ Return wildcard dictionary by matching regular expression output files to the requested concrete ones. Arguments requested_output -- a concrete filepath """ if requested_output is None: return dict() bestmatchlen = 0 bestmatch = None for o in self.products: match = o.match(requested_output) if match: l = self.get_wildcard_len(match.groupdict()) if not bestmatch or bestmatchlen > l: bestmatch = match.groupdict() bestmatchlen = l self.check_wildcards(bestmatch) return bestmatch
[docs] @staticmethod def get_wildcard_len(wildcards): """ Return the length of the given wildcard values. Arguments wildcards -- a dict of wildcards """ return sum(map(len, wildcards.values()))
def __lt__(self, rule): comp =, rule) return comp < 0 def __gt__(self, rule): comp =, rule) return comp > 0 def __str__(self): return def __hash__(self): return def __eq__(self, other): return == and self.output == other.output
[docs]class Ruleorder: def __init__(self): self.order = list()
[docs] def add(self, *rulenames): """ Records the order of given rules as rule1 > rule2 > rule3, ... """ self.order.append(list(rulenames))
[docs] def compare(self, rule1, rule2): """ Return whether rule2 has a higher priority than rule1. """ # if rules have the same name, they have been specialized by dynamic output # in that case, clauses are irrelevant and have to be skipped if != # try the last clause first, # i.e. clauses added later overwrite those before. for clause in reversed(self.order): try: i = clause.index( j = clause.index( # rules with higher priority should have a smaller index comp = j - i if comp < 0: comp = -1 elif comp > 0: comp = 1 return comp except ValueError: pass # if no ruleorder given, prefer rule without wildcards wildcard_cmp = rule2.has_wildcards() - rule1.has_wildcards() if wildcard_cmp != 0: return wildcard_cmp return 0
def __iter__(self): return self.order.__iter__()
[docs]class RuleProxy: def __init__(self, rule): self.rule = rule @lazy_property def output(self): return self._to_iofile(self.rule.output) @lazy_property def input(self): return self.rule.input._stripped_constraints() @lazy_property def params(self): return self.rule.params._clone() @property def benchmark(self): return IOFile(strip_wildcard_constraints(self.rule.benchmark), rule=self.rule) @lazy_property def log(self): return self._to_iofile(self.rule.log) def _to_iofile(self, files): def cleanup(f): prefix = self.rule.workflow.default_remote_prefix # remove constraints and turn this into a plain string cleaned = strip_wildcard_constraints(f) modified_by = get_flag_value(f, PATH_MODIFIER_FLAG) if ( self.rule.workflow.default_remote_provider is not None and f.startswith(prefix) and not is_flagged(f, "local") ): cleaned = f[len(prefix) + 1 :] cleaned = IOFile(cleaned, rule=self.rule) else: cleaned = IOFile(AnnotatedString(cleaned), rule=self.rule) cleaned.clone_remote_object(f) if modified_by is not None: cleaned.flags[PATH_MODIFIER_FLAG] = modified_by return cleaned files = Namedlist(files, custom_map=cleanup) return files