__author__ = "Johannes Köster"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Johannes Köster"
__email__ = "johannes.koester@uni-due.de"
__license__ = "MIT"
import time
import csv
import json
from collections import defaultdict
import snakemake.jobs
fmt_time = time.ctime
[docs]class Stats:
def __init__(self):
self.starttime = dict()
self.endtime = dict()
[docs] def report_job_start(self, job):
if job.is_group():
for j in job:
self.starttime[j] = time.time()
self.starttime[job] = time.time()
[docs] def report_job_end(self, job):
if job.is_group():
for j in job:
self.endtime[j] = time.time()
self.endtime[job] = time.time()
def rule_stats(self):
runtimes = defaultdict(list)
for job, t in self.starttime.items():
runtimes[job.rule].append(self.endtime[job] - t)
for rule, runtimes in runtimes.items():
yield (rule, sum(runtimes) / len(runtimes), min(runtimes), max(runtimes))
def file_stats(self):
for job, t in self.starttime.items():
for f in job.expanded_output:
start, stop = t, self.endtime[job]
yield f, fmt_time(start), fmt_time(stop), stop - start, job
def overall_runtime(self):
if self.starttime and self.endtime:
return max(self.endtime.values()) - min(self.starttime.values())
return 0
[docs] def to_json(self, path):
rule_stats = {
rule.name: {
"mean-runtime": mean_runtime,
"min-runtime": min_runtime,
"max-runtime": max_runtime,
for rule, mean_runtime, min_runtime, max_runtime in self.rule_stats
file_stats = {
f: {
"start-time": start,
"stop-time": stop,
"duration": duration,
"priority": job.priority
if job.priority != snakemake.jobs.Job.HIGHEST_PRIORITY
else "highest",
"resources": dict(job.resources.items()),
for f, start, stop, duration, job in self.file_stats
with open(path, "w") as f:
"total_runtime": self.overall_runtime,
"rules": rule_stats,
"files": file_stats,