Source code for snakemake.parser

__author__ = "Johannes Köster"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022, Johannes Köster"
__email__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT"

from tempfile import TemporaryFile
import tokenize
import textwrap
import os
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError, ContentTooShortError
import urllib.request
from io import TextIOWrapper

from snakemake.exceptions import WorkflowError
from snakemake import common

dd = textwrap.dedent

INDENT = "\t"

[docs]def is_newline(token, newline_tokens=set((tokenize.NEWLINE, tokenize.NL))): return token.type in newline_tokens
[docs]def is_indent(token): return token.type == tokenize.INDENT
[docs]def is_dedent(token): return token.type == tokenize.DEDENT
[docs]def is_op(token): return token.type == tokenize.OP
[docs]def is_greater(token): return is_op(token) and token.string == ">"
[docs]def is_comma(token): return is_op(token) and token.string == ","
[docs]def is_name(token): return token.type == tokenize.NAME
[docs]def is_colon(token): return is_op(token) and token.string == ":"
[docs]def is_comment(token): return token.type == tokenize.COMMENT
[docs]def is_string(token): return token.type == tokenize.STRING
[docs]def is_eof(token): return token.type == tokenize.ENDMARKER
[docs]def lineno(token): return token.start[0]
[docs]class StopAutomaton(Exception): def __init__(self, token): self.token = token
[docs]class TokenAutomaton: subautomata = dict() def __init__(self, snakefile, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): self.root = root self.snakefile = snakefile self.state = None self.base_indent = base_indent self.line = 0 self.indent = 0 self.was_indented = False self.lasttoken = None self._dedent = dedent @property def dedent(self): return self._dedent @property def effective_indent(self): return self.base_indent + self.indent - self.dedent
[docs] def indentation(self, token): if is_indent(token) or is_dedent(token): self.indent = token.end[1] - self.base_indent self.was_indented |= self.indent > 0
[docs] def consume(self): for token in self.snakefile: self.indentation(token) try: for t, orig in self.state(token): if self.lasttoken == "\n" and not t.isspace(): yield INDENT * self.effective_indent, orig yield t, orig self.lasttoken = t except tokenize.TokenError as e: self.error( str(e).split(",")[0].strip("()''"), token ) # TODO the inferred line number seems to be wrong sometimes
[docs] def error(self, msg, token): raise SyntaxError(msg, (self.snakefile.path, lineno(token), None, None))
[docs] def subautomaton(self, automaton, *args, **kwargs): return self.subautomata[automaton]( self.snakefile, *args, base_indent=self.base_indent + self.indent, dedent=self.dedent, root=False, **kwargs, )
[docs]class KeywordState(TokenAutomaton): prefix = "" def __init__(self, snakefile, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): super().__init__(snakefile, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root) self.line = 0 self.state = self.colon @property def keyword(self): return self.__class__.__name__.lower()[len(self.prefix) :]
[docs] def end(self): yield ")"
[docs] def decorate_end(self, token): for t in self.end(): if isinstance(t, tuple): yield t else: yield t, token
[docs] def colon(self, token): if is_colon(token): self.state = self.block for t in self.start(): yield t, token else: self.error("Colon expected after keyword {}.".format(self.keyword), token)
[docs] def is_block_end(self, token): return (self.line and self.indent <= 0) or is_eof(token)
[docs] def block(self, token): if self.lasttoken == "\n" and is_comment(token): # ignore lines containing only comments self.line -= 1 if self.is_block_end(token): yield from self.decorate_end(token) yield "\n", token raise StopAutomaton(token) if is_newline(token): self.line += 1 yield token.string, token elif not (is_indent(token) or is_dedent(token)): if is_comment(token): yield token.string, token else: yield from self.block_content(token)
[docs] def yield_indent(self, token): return token.string, token
[docs] def block_content(self, token): yield token.string, token
[docs]class GlobalKeywordState(KeywordState):
[docs] def start(self): yield "workflow.{keyword}(".format(keyword=self.keyword)
[docs]class DecoratorKeywordState(KeywordState): decorator = None args = list()
[docs] def start(self): yield "@workflow.{}".format(self.decorator) yield "\n" yield "def __{}({}):".format(self.decorator, ", ".join(self.args))
[docs] def end(self): yield ""
[docs]class RuleKeywordState(KeywordState): def __init__(self, snakefile, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True, rulename=None): super().__init__(snakefile, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root) self.rulename = rulename
[docs] def start(self): yield "\n" yield "@workflow.{keyword}(".format(keyword=self.keyword)
[docs]class SectionKeywordState(KeywordState):
[docs] def start(self): yield ", {keyword}=".format(keyword=self.keyword)
[docs] def end(self): # no end needed return list()
# Global keyword states
[docs]class Envvars(GlobalKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "register_envvars"
[docs]class Include(GlobalKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Workdir(GlobalKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Configfile(GlobalKeywordState): pass
# PEPs
[docs]class Pepfile(GlobalKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "set_pepfile"
[docs]class Pepschema(GlobalKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Report(GlobalKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Scattergather(GlobalKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Ruleorder(GlobalKeywordState):
[docs] def block_content(self, token): if is_greater(token): yield ",", token elif is_name(token): yield repr(token.string), token else: self.error( "Expected a descending order of rule names, " "e.g. rule1 > rule2 > rule3 ...", token, )
[docs]class GlobalWildcardConstraints(GlobalKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "global_wildcard_constraints"
[docs]class GlobalSingularity(GlobalKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "global_container"
[docs]class GlobalContainer(GlobalKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "global_container"
[docs]class GlobalContainerized(GlobalKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "global_containerized"
# subworkflows
[docs]class SubworkflowKeywordState(SectionKeywordState): prefix = "Subworkflow"
[docs]class SubworkflowSnakefile(SubworkflowKeywordState): pass
[docs]class SubworkflowWorkdir(SubworkflowKeywordState): pass
[docs]class SubworkflowConfigfile(SubworkflowKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Subworkflow(GlobalKeywordState): subautomata = dict( snakefile=SubworkflowSnakefile, workdir=SubworkflowWorkdir, configfile=SubworkflowConfigfile, ) def __init__(self, snakefile, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): super().__init__(snakefile, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root) self.state = self.has_snakefile = False self.has_workdir = False self.has_name = False self.primary_token = None
[docs] def end(self): if not (self.has_snakefile or self.has_workdir): self.error( "A subworkflow needs either a path to a Snakefile or to a workdir.", self.primary_token, ) yield ")"
[docs] def name(self, token): if is_name(token): yield "workflow.subworkflow({name!r}".format(name=token.string), token self.has_name = True elif is_colon(token) and self.has_name: self.primary_token = token self.state = self.block else: self.error("Expected name after subworkflow keyword.", token)
[docs] def block_content(self, token): if is_name(token): try: if token.string == "snakefile": self.has_snakefile = True if token.string == "workdir": self.has_workdir = True for t in self.subautomaton(token.string).consume(): yield t except KeyError: self.error( "Unexpected keyword {} in " "subworkflow definition".format(token.string), token, ) except StopAutomaton as e: self.indentation(e.token) for t in self.block(e.token): yield t elif is_comment(token): yield "\n", token yield token.string, token elif is_string(token): # ignore docstring pass else: self.error( "Expecting subworkflow keyword, comment or docstrings " "inside a subworkflow definition.", token, )
[docs]class Localrules(GlobalKeywordState):
[docs] def block_content(self, token): if is_comma(token): yield ",", token elif is_name(token): yield repr(token.string), token else: self.error( "Expected a comma separated list of rules that shall " "not be executed by the cluster command.", token, )
# Rule keyword states
[docs]class Name(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Input(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Output(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Params(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Threads(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Shadow(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Resources(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Priority(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Version(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Log(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Message(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Benchmark(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Conda(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Singularity(RuleKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "container"
[docs]class Container(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Containerized(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class EnvModules(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Group(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class Cache(RuleKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "cache_rule"
[docs]class DefaultTarget(RuleKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "default_target_rule"
[docs]class Handover(RuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class WildcardConstraints(RuleKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "wildcard_constraints"
[docs]class Run(RuleKeywordState): def __init__(self, snakefile, rulename, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): super().__init__(snakefile, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root) self.rulename = rulename self.content = 0
[docs] def start(self): yield "" yield "\n" yield ( "def __rule_{rulename}(input, output, params, wildcards, threads, " "resources, log, version, rule, conda_env, container_img, " "singularity_args, use_singularity, env_modules, bench_record, jobid, " "is_shell, bench_iteration, cleanup_scripts, shadow_dir, edit_notebook, " "conda_base_path, basedir, runtime_sourcecache_path, {rule_func_marker}=True):".format( rulename=self.rulename if self.rulename is not None else self.snakefile.rulecount, rule_func_marker=common.RULEFUNC_CONTEXT_MARKER, ) )
[docs] def end(self): yield ""
[docs] def block_content(self, token): self.content += 1 yield token.string, token
[docs] def is_block_end(self, token): return (self.content and self.line and self.indent <= 0) or is_eof(token)
[docs]class AbstractCmd(Run): overwrite_cmd = None start_func = None end_func = None def __init__(self, snakefile, rulename, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): super().__init__( snakefile, rulename, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root ) self.cmd = list() self.token = None if self.overwrite_cmd is not None: self.block_content = self.overwrite_block_content
[docs] def is_block_end(self, token): return (self.line and self.indent <= 0) or is_eof(token)
[docs] def start(self): if self.start_func is not None: yield self.start_func yield "("
[docs] def args(self): yield from []
[docs] def end(self): # the end is detected. So we can savely reset the indent to zero here self.indent = 0 yield "\n" yield ")" yield "\n" for t in super().start(): yield t yield "\n" yield INDENT * (self.effective_indent + 1) yield self.end_func yield "(" yield "\n".join(self.cmd) yield from self.args() yield "\n" yield ")" for t in super().end(): yield t
[docs] def decorate_end(self, token): if self.token is None: # no block after shell keyword self.error( "Command must be given as string after the shell keyword.", token ) for t in self.end(): yield t, self.token
[docs] def block_content(self, token): self.token = token self.cmd.append(token.string) yield token.string, token
[docs] def overwrite_block_content(self, token): if self.token is None: self.token = token cmd = repr(self.overwrite_cmd) self.cmd.append(cmd) yield cmd, token
[docs]class Shell(AbstractCmd): start_func = "@workflow.shellcmd" end_func = "shell"
[docs] def args(self): yield ", bench_record=bench_record, bench_iteration=bench_iteration"
[docs]class Script(AbstractCmd): start_func = "@workflow.script" end_func = "script"
[docs] def args(self): yield ( ", basedir, input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, " "config, rule, conda_env, conda_base_path, container_img, singularity_args, env_modules, " "bench_record, jobid, bench_iteration, cleanup_scripts, shadow_dir, runtime_sourcecache_path" )
[docs]class Notebook(Script): start_func = "@workflow.notebook" end_func = "notebook"
[docs] def args(self): yield ( ", basedir, input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, " "config, rule, conda_env, conda_base_path, container_img, singularity_args, env_modules, " "bench_record, jobid, bench_iteration, cleanup_scripts, shadow_dir, " "edit_notebook, runtime_sourcecache_path" )
[docs]class Wrapper(Script): start_func = "@workflow.wrapper" end_func = "wrapper"
[docs] def args(self): yield ( ", input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, " "config, rule, conda_env, conda_base_path, container_img, singularity_args, env_modules, " "bench_record, workflow.wrapper_prefix, jobid, bench_iteration, " "cleanup_scripts, shadow_dir, runtime_sourcecache_path" )
[docs]class TemplateEngine(Script): start_func = "@workflow.template_engine" end_func = "render_template"
[docs] def args(self): yield (", input, output, params, wildcards, config")
[docs]class CWL(Script): start_func = "@workflow.cwl" end_func = "cwl"
[docs] def args(self): yield ( ", basedir, input, output, params, wildcards, threads, resources, log, " "config, rule, use_singularity, bench_record, jobid, runtime_sourcecache_path" )
rule_property_subautomata = dict( name=Name, input=Input, output=Output, params=Params, threads=Threads, resources=Resources, priority=Priority, version=Version, log=Log, message=Message, benchmark=Benchmark, conda=Conda, singularity=Singularity, container=Container, containerized=Containerized, envmodules=EnvModules, wildcard_constraints=WildcardConstraints, shadow=Shadow, group=Group, cache=Cache, handover=Handover, default_target=DefaultTarget, )
[docs]class Rule(GlobalKeywordState): subautomata = dict( run=Run, shell=Shell, script=Script, notebook=Notebook, wrapper=Wrapper, template_engine=TemplateEngine, cwl=CWL, **rule_property_subautomata, ) def __init__(self, snakefile, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): super().__init__(snakefile, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root) self.state = self.lineno = None self.rulename = None = False self.snakefile.rulecount += 1
[docs] def start(self, aux=""): yield ( "@workflow.rule(name={rulename!r}, lineno={lineno}, " "snakefile={snakefile!r}{aux})".format( rulename=self.rulename, lineno=self.lineno, snakefile=self.snakefile.path, aux=aux, ) )
[docs] def end(self): if not yield "@workflow.norun()" yield "\n" for t in self.subautomaton("run", rulename=self.rulename).start(): yield t # the end is detected. # So we can savely reset the indent to zero here self.indent = 0 yield "\n" yield INDENT * (self.effective_indent + 1) yield "pass"
[docs] def name(self, token): if is_name(token): self.rulename = token.string elif is_colon(token): self.lineno = self.snakefile.lines + 1 self.state = self.block for t in self.start(): yield t, token else: self.error( "Expected name or colon after " "rule or checkpoint keyword.", token )
[docs] def block_content(self, token): if is_name(token): try: if ( token.string == "run" or token.string == "shell" or token.string == "script" or token.string == "wrapper" or token.string == "notebook" or token.string == "template_engine" or token.string == "cwl" ): if raise self.error( "Multiple run or shell keywords in rule {}.".format( self.rulename ), token, ) = True elif raise self.error( "No rule keywords allowed after " "run/shell/script/notebook/wrapper/template_engine/cwl in " "rule {}.".format(self.rulename), token, ) for t in self.subautomaton( token.string, rulename=self.rulename ).consume(): yield t except KeyError: self.error( "Unexpected keyword {} in rule definition".format(token.string), token, ) except StopAutomaton as e: self.indentation(e.token) for t in self.block(e.token): yield t elif is_comment(token): yield "\n", token yield token.string, token elif is_string(token): yield "\n", token yield "@workflow.docstring({})".format(token.string), token else: self.error( "Expecting rule keyword, comment or docstrings " "inside a rule definition.", token, )
@property def dedent(self): return self.indent
[docs]class Checkpoint(Rule):
[docs] def start(self): yield from super().start(aux=", checkpoint=True")
[docs]class OnSuccess(DecoratorKeywordState): decorator = "onsuccess" args = ["log"]
[docs]class OnError(DecoratorKeywordState): decorator = "onerror" args = ["log"]
[docs]class OnStart(DecoratorKeywordState): decorator = "onstart" args = ["log"]
# modules
[docs]class ModuleKeywordState(SectionKeywordState): prefix = "Module"
[docs]class ModuleSnakefile(ModuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class ModulePrefix(ModuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class ModuleMetaWrapper(ModuleKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "meta_wrapper"
[docs]class ModuleConfig(ModuleKeywordState): pass
[docs]class ModuleSkipValidation(ModuleKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "skip_validation"
[docs]class ModuleReplacePrefix(ModuleKeywordState): @property def keyword(self): return "replace_prefix"
[docs]class Module(GlobalKeywordState): subautomata = dict( snakefile=ModuleSnakefile, meta_wrapper=ModuleMetaWrapper, config=ModuleConfig, skip_validation=ModuleSkipValidation, replace_prefix=ModuleReplacePrefix, prefix=ModulePrefix, ) def __init__(self, snakefile, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): super().__init__(snakefile, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root) self.state = self.has_snakefile = False self.has_meta_wrapper = False self.has_name = False self.primary_token = None
[docs] def end(self): if not (self.has_snakefile or self.has_meta_wrapper): self.error( "A module needs either a path to a Snakefile or a meta wrapper URL.", self.primary_token, ) yield ")"
[docs] def name(self, token): if is_name(token): yield "workflow.module({name!r}".format(name=token.string), token self.has_name = True elif is_colon(token) and self.has_name: self.primary_token = token self.state = self.block else: self.error("Expected name after module keyword.", token)
[docs] def block_content(self, token): if is_name(token): try: if token.string == "snakefile": self.has_snakefile = True if token.string == "meta_wrapper": self.has_meta_wrapper = True for t in self.subautomaton(token.string).consume(): yield t except KeyError: self.error( "Unexpected keyword {} in " "module definition".format(token.string), token, ) except StopAutomaton as e: self.indentation(e.token) for t in self.block(e.token): yield t elif is_comment(token): yield "\n", token yield token.string, token elif is_string(token): # ignore docstring pass else: self.error( "Expecting module keyword, comment or docstrings " "inside a module definition.", token, )
[docs]class UseRule(GlobalKeywordState): subautomata = rule_property_subautomata def __init__(self, snakefile, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): super().__init__(snakefile, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root) self.state = self.state_keyword_rule self.rules = [] self.has_with = False self.name_modifier = [] self.from_module = None self._with_block = [] self.lineno = self.snakefile.lines + 1
[docs] def end(self): name_modifier = "".join(self.name_modifier) if self.name_modifier else None yield "@workflow.userule(rules={!r}, from_module={!r}, name_modifier={!r}, lineno={})".format( self.rules, self.from_module, name_modifier, self.lineno ) yield "\n" # yield with block yield from self._with_block yield "" yield "\n" rulename = self.rules[0] if rulename == "*": rulename = "__allrules__" yield "def __userule_{}_{}():".format(self.from_module, rulename) # the end is detected. # So we can savely reset the indent to zero here self.indent = 0 yield "\n" yield INDENT * (self.effective_indent + 1) yield "pass"
[docs] def state_keyword_rule(self, token): if is_name(token) and token.string == "rule": self.state = self.state_rules_rule yield from () else: self.error("Expecting keyword 'rule' after keyword 'use'", token)
[docs] def state_rules_rule(self, token): if is_name(token): if token.string == "from" or token.string == "as" and not self.rules: self.error("Expecting rule names after 'use rule' statement.", token) self.rules.append(token.string) self.state = self.state_rules_comma_or_end yield from () elif is_op(token): if token.string == "*": self.rules.append(token.string) self.state = self.state_rules_end yield from () else: self.error( "Expecting rule name or '*' after 'use rule' statement.", token ) else: self.error( "Expecting rule listing (comma separated) after 'use rule' statement.", token, )
# TODO newline and parentheses handling
[docs] def state_rules_end(self, token): if is_name(token) and token.string == "from": self.state = self.state_from yield from () else: self.error( "Expecting list of rules in 'use rule' statement to end with keyword 'from'.", token, )
[docs] def state_rules_comma_or_end(self, token): if is_name(token): if token.string == "from" or token.string == "as": if not self.rules: self.error( "Expecting rule names after 'use rule' statement.", token ) if token.string == "from": self.state = self.state_from else: self.state = self.state_as yield from () else: self.error( "Expecting list of rules in 'use rule' statement to end with keyword 'from'.", token, ) elif is_comma(token): self.state = self.state_rules_rule yield from () else: self.error( "Unexpected token in list of rules within 'use rule' statement.", token )
[docs] def state_from(self, token): if is_name(token): self.state = self.state_modifier self.from_module = token.string yield from () else: self.error( "Expecting module name after 'from' keyword in 'use rule' statement.", token, )
[docs] def state_modifier(self, token): if is_name(token): if token.string == "as" and not self.name_modifier: self.state = self.state_as yield from () elif token.string == "with": yield from self.handle_with(token) else: self.error( "Expecting at most one 'as' or 'with' statement, or the end of the line.", token, ) elif is_newline(token) or is_comment(token) or is_eof(token): # end of the statement, close block manually yield from self.block(token) else: self.error( "Expecting either 'as', 'with' or end of line in 'use rule' statement.", token, )
[docs] def handle_with(self, token): if "*" in self.rules: self.error( "Keyword 'with' in 'use rule' statement is not allowed in combination with rule pattern '*'.", token, ) self.has_with = True self.state = self.state_with yield from ()
[docs] def state_as(self, token): if is_name(token): if token.string != "with": self.name_modifier.append(token.string) yield from () else: yield from self.handle_with(token) elif is_op(token) and token.string == "*": self.name_modifier.append(token.string) yield from () elif is_newline(token) or is_comment(token) or is_eof(token): # end of the statement, close block manually yield from self.block(token) else: self.error( "Expecting rulename modifying pattern (e.g. modulename_*) after 'as' keyword.", token, )
[docs] def state_with(self, token): if is_colon(token): self.state = self.block yield from () else: self.error( "Expecting colon after 'with' keyword in 'use rule' statement.", token )
[docs] def block_content(self, token): if is_comment(token): yield "\n", token yield token.string, token elif is_name(token): try: self._with_block.extend(self.subautomaton(token.string).consume()) yield from () except KeyError: self.error( "Unexpected keyword {} in rule definition".format(token.string), token, ) except StopAutomaton as e: self.indentation(e.token) self.block(e.token) else: self.error( "Expecting a keyword or comment " "inside a 'use rule ... with:' statement.", token, )
@property def dedent(self): return self.indent
[docs]class Python(TokenAutomaton): subautomata = dict( envvars=Envvars, include=Include, workdir=Workdir, configfile=Configfile, pepfile=Pepfile, pepschema=Pepschema, report=Report, ruleorder=Ruleorder, rule=Rule, checkpoint=Checkpoint, subworkflow=Subworkflow, localrules=Localrules, onsuccess=OnSuccess, onerror=OnError, onstart=OnStart, wildcard_constraints=GlobalWildcardConstraints, singularity=GlobalSingularity, container=GlobalContainer, containerized=GlobalContainerized, scattergather=Scattergather, module=Module, use=UseRule, ) def __init__(self, snakefile, base_indent=0, dedent=0, root=True): super().__init__(snakefile, base_indent=base_indent, dedent=dedent, root=root) self.state = self.python
[docs] def python(self, token): if not (is_indent(token) or is_dedent(token)): if self.lasttoken is None or self.lasttoken.isspace(): try: for t in self.subautomaton(token.string).consume(): yield t except KeyError: yield token.string, token except StopAutomaton as e: self.indentation(e.token) for t in self.python(e.token): yield t else: yield token.string, token
[docs]class Snakefile: def __init__(self, path, workflow, rulecount=0): self.path = path.get_path_or_uri() self.file = self.tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(self.file.readline) self.rulecount = rulecount self.lines = 0 def __next__(self): return next(self.tokens) def __iter__(self): return self def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.file.close()
[docs]def format_tokens(tokens): t_ = None for t in tokens: if t_ and not t.isspace() and not t_.isspace(): yield " " yield t t_ = t
[docs]def parse(path, workflow, overwrite_shellcmd=None, rulecount=0): Shell.overwrite_cmd = overwrite_shellcmd with Snakefile(path, workflow, rulecount=rulecount) as snakefile: automaton = Python(snakefile) linemap = dict() compilation = list() for t, orig_token in automaton.consume(): l = lineno(orig_token) linemap.update( dict( (i, l) for i in range( snakefile.lines + 1, snakefile.lines + t.count("\n") + 1 ) ) ) snakefile.lines += t.count("\n") compilation.append(t) compilation = "".join(format_tokens(compilation)) if linemap: last = max(linemap) linemap[last + 1] = linemap[last] return compilation, linemap, snakefile.rulecount