Writing Workflows¶
In Snakemake, workflows are specified as Snakefiles. Inspired by GNU Make, a Snakefile contains rules that denote how to create output files from input files. Dependencies between rules are handled implicitly, by matching filenames of input files against output files. Thereby wildcards can be used to write general rules.
The Snakefile syntax obeys the following grammar, given in extended Backus-Naur form (EBNF)
snakemake = statement | rule | include | workdir | module | configfile | container
rule = "rule" (identifier | "") ":" ruleparams
include = "include:" stringliteral
workdir = "workdir:" stringliteral
module = "module" identifier ":" moduleparams
configfile = "configfile" ":" stringliteral
userule = "use" "rule" (identifier | "*") "from" identifier ["as" identifier] ["with" ":" norunparams]
norunparams = [ni input] [ni output] [ni params] [ni message] [ni threads] [ni resources] [ni log] [ni conda] [ni container] [ni benchmark] [ni cache]
ruleparams = norunparams [ni (run | shell | script | notebook)] NEWLINE snakemake
input = "input" ":" parameter_list
output = "output" ":" parameter_list
params = "params" ":" parameter_list
log = "log" ":" parameter_list
benchmark = "benchmark" ":" statement
cache = "cache" ":" bool
message = "message" ":" stringliteral
threads = "threads" ":" integer
resources = "resources" ":" parameter_list
version = "version" ":" statement
conda = "conda" ":" stringliteral
container = "container" ":" stringliteral
run = "run" ":" ni statement
shell = "shell" ":" stringliteral
script = "script" ":" stringliteral
notebook = "notebook" ":" stringliteral
moduleparams = [ni snakefile] [ni metawrapper] [ni config] [ni skipval]
snakefile = "snakefile" ":" stringliteral
metawrapper = "meta_wrapper" ":" stringliteral
config = "config" ":" stringliteral
skipval = "skip_validation" ":" stringliteral
while all not defined non-terminals map to their Python equivalents.
Depend on a Minimum Snakemake Version¶
From Snakemake 3.2 on, if your workflow depends on a minimum Snakemake version, you can easily ensure that at least this version is installed via
from snakemake.utils import min_version
given that your minimum required version of Snakemake is 3.2. The statement will raise a WorkflowError (and therefore abort the workflow execution) if the version is not met.